Chapter 23

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"Sunpaw! Wake up!"

An excited squeal awoke the tom from a light doze. He was perched atop a rock in camp, sunning his winter coat to get some warmth. The sun shone bright in the sky, crisp air leaving clouds of breath as cats breathed in and out.

The golden tom opened his eyes slowly to find Cherrypaw gazing up at him happily. "I'm becoming a warrior today!" She paused as Thistlepaw bounded over. "Well, me and this mouse-brain." She added with a mischievous glance towards him.

Sunpaw's heart lifted. It had been almost half a moon since Sunpaw had talked with Bluestar, and despite her drastic warning, Sunpaw found himself surprisingly happy. The clan was well-fed, and no bad threats had come. Bumblestar was healing slowly, though he was still weak. He was starting to feel that the threat had been empty, but he just couldn't shake off the feeling that-

"Sunpaw? Hello?"

The golden tom blinked, then realised that Cherrypaw had spoken to him.
"I said, what do you think our warrior names will be? I personally like-"

Whatever she said was muffled by a loud yowl.

"May all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highledge for a clan meeting!"

As Sunpaw sat down beneath the rock, he felt his whiskers twitch happily. "We're next." He murmured to himself, suddenly itching to be a warrior.

Ivypaw and Heatherpaw padded over and sat next to him, and he repeated himself.

"I can't wait!" Ivypaw purred enthusiastically, whilst Heatherpaw nodded happily.

"What do you think our warrior names will be?"

Ivypaw thought long and hard about that question, while Heatherpaw pawed at the ground in thought. Sunpaw himself thought about his own question for a while.

"Cherrypaw, please step forward."

As the suddenly timid-looking she-cat took a pace forward, Bumblestar began reciting words that had been said for generations upon generations:

"I, Bumblestar, Leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and in return I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn."

The leader paused, gaze upon the she-cat.

"Cherrypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"

The she-cat's gaze was fixed on the leader, and her tail twitched nervously as she said, "I do."

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your new warrior name. Cherrypaw, you shall be known as Cherryblossom. StarClan honors your optimism and skill, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan."

A soft, quiet purr erupted from the she-cat's chest, and she could barely contain herself as Bumblestar rested his muzzle on her head. Sunpaw even noticed her tongue trembling when she had to lick Bumblestar's shoulder.

Quickly, Bumblestar leapt up to Highledge once more, this time his eyes upon Thistlepaw. "Thistlepaw, please step forward."

Unlike Cherryblossom, Thistlepaw wasn't nervous. His usual calm, quiet yet confident personality was showing as he padded forward, eyes shining with faint, guarded excitement.

"I, Bumblestar, Leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and in return I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn."

Sunpaw glanced over to Cherryblossom. She was gazing happily at her brother, green eyes watching him, while a pale grey she-cat- Willowpetal, Sunpaw realised- fussed over her. Then he remembered that Cherryblossom and Thistlepaw were kits from Willowpetal's first litter; of course their mother would fuss over her kits.

Aspenkit and Wolfkit climbed all over their older sister, cheering happily for her. They quietened down, however, when Swanfeather scolded them quietly.

Sunpaw found himself envying Aspenkit and Wolfkit. They would never know the pain of not having parents who loved them. Their family was so perfect, so calm, so together.
I wish my family was like that, but we're less of a family than ShadowClan is to us. He thought sadly, glancing away.

Sunpaw was awakened from his thoughts by Bumblestar.

"-Thistlepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do."

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your new warrior name. Thistlepaw, you shall be known as Thistleheart. StarClan honors your bravery and intelligence, and we welcome you as a full member of ThunderClan."

Sunpaw's gaze then wandered to Amberpaw, who was gazing happily at him. "You're next!" She mouthed at him, eyes sparkling. He nodded in reply, mouthing back, "I know!"

After the ceremony, Sunpaw was settling down in his nest, arching his back happily. His eyes scanned the den quickly, before he sighed, closing them. Only five nests remained in the den; Ivypaw's, Heatherpaw's, Amberpaw's, Whitepaw's and his own. Though there were still others, Sunpaw felt strangely lonely- when her first become an apprentice, there had been Ashpaw, Whitepaw, Sorrelpaw, Kestrelpaw, Cherrypaw, Thistlepaw, Ivypaw and Heatherpaw- 8 other cats- and he had grown accustomed to their presence. Now, with the den so "empty"...

Soon, Sunpaw found himself in the realms of sleep, but this was no dream.
No, the place Sunpaw awoke in was none other than the place he dreaded the most.

The place that had caused so much pain in the past, and that evidently held more pain for the cats who were unfortunate enough to even hear of it.

The Dark Forest.

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