Chapter 20

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The command rang in Sunpaw's ears for a while before he fully realised what was going on. Even then, he was standing in the middle of a crowd of tussling cats, glancing around nervously.

Pull yourself together! He told himself furiously. And pick a side. His gaze trailed to Bumblestar. His leader was viciously attacking a black she-cat, Cherrypaw at his side.

He then glanced to his left, where his father and mother were circling each other. Worry flooded Sunpaw's gaze, but he felt a twinge of guilt since the feeling was towards both his mother and his father.

When his father leapt onto his mother, however, he felt a rush of anger pounding through his blood.

Though the most that Hazelshade had ever done was acknowledge his presence, he had known her all his life; he strongly felt that he should protect her, no matter how harsh she was.

After taking a deep breath, he charged into Goldensun, and though his father was evidently stronger than he was, Sunpaw sent him sprawling away.

Quick as a hawk, he leapt up, fury plastered on every one of his features.

"Why are you fighting me, Sunpaw?" His father purred softly.

Sunpaw blocked him out, raking a claw down his side. Despite his father's strength, Sunpaw's rage combined with his Dark Forest moves created a fury of attacks that even Goldensun seemed impressed at. The two toms kept fighting, back and forth, back and forth.

Nevertheless, Sunpaw did grow tired. Though his father was wounded worse, he most certainly had more energy than his son. The blood of battle no longer pulsed in his ears, nor did the faint smell of blood excite him.

And a blow to the head was all it took to send Sunpaw skidding to the floor, blacking out almost immediately.


"How's he doing, Silverleaf?"

"Whoa! He smells funny? Is he dead?"

"He's fine. Oh, and look, he's awake! Give him some space."

After moments of waiting, there was an audible sigh. "This is taking ages. I'm bored!"

Then, after what seemed like years of waiting, Sunpaw finally managed to open his eyes.

Crowded around him stood the worried figures of Amberkit, Bumblestar, Heatherpaw and Ivypaw and the horrified face of Hazelshade.

"How... What happened?" A groggy rasp was all Sunpaw could conjure up at that moment.

Sighs of relief echoed around the- wait, where was he?

A quick assessment told him that he was in Silverleaf's den, in one of the unoccupied nests for patients, and a throbbing head told Sunpaw that he was a patient.

A rather relieved Silverleaf nudged gently through the crowd, finding her way to Sunpaw.

"You were asleep for ages!" She meowed, her tone riddled with worry as she beckoned Amberkit forward, as if sensing the eager she-kit's impatience.

Amberkit padded forward as Sunpaw sat up. "You missed my apprentice ceremony! I'm Owlsong's apprentice! And it's about time- it's two moons late!"

Sunpaw felt his pelt prickle with shame. "I never got to cheer for you..."

He murmured, giving her cheek a quick lick. She shook her head. "It's okay. And Owlsong isn't as grumpy as everyone thinks she is. Only a bit!"

An annoyed yowl echoed from outside.
"I heard that!"

Amberpaw groaned. "I'd better go. Owlsong told me to be quick." She gave his cheek a quick nudge, before darting out.

Once she'd left, Sunpaw was approached by an incredibly worried-looking pair of sisters.

"Sunpaw! We were so worried!" Heatherpaw darted towards him, rubbing her cheek against him. Sunpaw returned the gesture, though secretly he was a little grossed out.

"I'm fine now..." He muttered, only to be interrupted by Silverleaf.

"You are not fine, actually." She mewed, shooing everyone but Sunpaw out of the den.

When Bumblestar refused to move, the medicine cat gave an impatient roll of her eyes. "Fine, stay. If you get in my way, though, I won't bother sending you out. I'll just attack you here." She muttered half-heartedly, gathering a few herbs from their slots in the wall.

Sunpaw didn't know whether she was joking or not.

"Now, I patched up your worst wounds when you were asleep, but you have a scar across your eye that I need to look at."

Sunpaw allowed her to work around him, asking questions every now and then.

"How long was I asleep for?"

Silverleaf paused, clearly counting.

"About three days." Bumblestar replied before Silverleaf could.

The medicine cat replied with a hiss. "I was going to say that." She muttered.

Sunpaw let out a soft groan. "How much training did I miss?" He muttered quietly.

"And stuck in the medicine den?" He added in a whisper to Bumblestar, who let out a soft chuckle.

"Don't let Silverleaf hear you say that." He murmured back to apprentice.

"Say what?" The she-cat turned around to face the two cats.

"Nothing!" Both toms mewed at the same time.

Silverleaf rolled her eyes. "Right." She muttered sarcastically.

As if on purpose, the medicine cat applied a stinging herb to Sunpaw's sore eye cut.

Sunpaw's claws unsheathed, digging into the nest below his claws.

"Careful! That's my nest!" Whitepaw's voice echoed around the den. Sunpaw turned his head around to look at the she-cat.

Dangling limply from her jaws was a plump pidgeon. "For you." She mewed, as if the white she-cat had sensed his sudden hunger.

Gratefully Sunpaw tucked in, finishing it quickly in a few famished bites.

"Thanks." He mewed.

Suddenly, Silverleaf couldn't take it anymore. "Sunpaw! Turn around! Do you want to lose your eyesight?"

Sunpaw gasped, jumping around quickly. "Sorry!"

"Toms these days..." The she-cat huffed, setting to work on his eye.
Sunpaw waited patiently, claws fidgeting with a moss ball.

After what seemed like hours- but was actually just a few moments- Sunpaw was "done, for now", according to Silverleaf.

However, Sunpaw still wasn't allowed out of the den. He was still recovering, much to his own disappointment.

Reluctantly, he agreed to stay in the den- partially because Bumblestar had mentioned his assessment coming up, and wanting to be ready for it.

Eyelids closing, Sunpaw slowly drifted into the realms of sleep.

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