Chapter 27

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"Sunflame! Over here!" The first voice Sunflame heard over the volume of the fight was Heathermist.

As he glanced over, Sunflame saw that his sister was battling a large tabby tom, his blue eyes gleaming with hatred.

He leaped quickly, narrowly missing a blow from another cat as he lunged for the cat who was attempting to hurt his sister.

Together, the two cats managed to fight the tom, until he turned tail and dashed into the undergrowth.

"Good work." Heathermist purred, rubbing her cheek against his.

Everything after that all happened so fast.

All Sunflame saw was a blur of white, a flurry of claws and a pool of blood and fur.

Amongst all this was Heathermist.

Heathermist, so brave, so kind, who had shown Sunflame so much about life than he'd known possible.

Heathermist, so creative, inventing new, crazy plans every day.

Heathermist, who had always been so nice to Sunflame, always so caring, loving.

Heathermist, who now lay dead at Screech's bloodstained claws.

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