Chapter 33

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After one more hour, Amberpaw woke up, though her eyes instantly scrunched shut when Sunflame began rubbing his cheek against hers happily. "Amberpaw! You're okay!" He purred.

The she-cat, though appearing drowsy, gave him a rough nudge. "Of course I'm fine, furball."

However, when the black cat tried to get up, she fell back down almost immediately, paws wobbling.

Silverleaf rushed in. "Whoa, Amberpaw. You won't be able to get up for hours, or even-"

She broke off as Amberpaw wobbled back onto her paws, staring incredulously. "Or even now..." She muttered, eyes narrowed in confusion. "Strange."

Amberpaw gave a weak laugh, then turned behind her to look at her tail. It was covered in a thick wad of marigold and cobwebs, so she couldn't see it, but she could see that it was much shorter, and a soft yet sad purr vibrated in her throat because of that.

"At least I can stand up." She mewed optimistically, attempting to shine some light on the conversation.

Silverleaf nodded. "Now, Amberpaw, I suggest you don't try anything major today. Tomorrow you should feel better. Just go and get some rest."

As the black she-cat nodded, Sunflame led her out, tail draped over her as he led her back to the apprentices' den. Only so she doesn't fall over, he reminded himself hastily. She could, and then what kind of friend would you be if you didn't catch her?

As soon as they'd reached the apprentices' den, Amberpaw squirmed from out of his tail and nodded. "Thanks for... Helping me back here. I... Thanks."

She gave him a quick lick on the cheek, then padded into her den.

Sunflame trotted over to his own den happily, but was stopped when a shadow fell in his way.

Slowly, he turned around to see the slim figure of a she-cat standing behind him.

"Sunflame!" Came a familiar mew.

"Calisse? What are you doing away from your kits?" He whispered- it was past sunset, and many cats were in their nests already- rushing over to her.

The she-cat shrugged. "I wanted to find you to let you know that I'm staying here for good. I even want one of your funny names! Bumblestar came earlier and helped me change my kits' names. They're called Goldenkit and Spottedkit now!"

Sunflame let out a soft purr. His father's image jumped into his mind suddenly, and his pelt warmed. "That's great!" He mewed happily. "When are you getting your new name?"


"Wonderful." Sunflame gave her a gentle rub against her cheek with his own, then turned away with a quiet goodbye, padding into his den.

He couldn't, however, shake off the feeling that Amberpaw had seen the friendly exchange, and that the blue eyes watching him now held hurt in them.

And for some reason that Sunflame couldn't identify, he felt guilty for a crime he didn't even know about.

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