Chapter 2

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"-But when I looked up, the badger was gone! In it's place, a black tom! His name was-"

Sootface broke off as Sunkit padded into the den. "Hello, dear!" She mewed, a purr raising in her throat as he flopped down in front of two of the elders. Thrushwhisker, the other elder, blinked his pine-green eyes.

Sunkit stared around the den. Behind Sootface crouched Amberkit. She blinked happily when his gaze met hers, and she padded over.

"Shouldn't you be with Breezekit and Stormkit?" He mewed, sitting up. His fur prickled as usual when he was around anyone that he didn't know that well; he quickly flattened it, gaze trailing away.

Amberkit gave a small laugh, eyes sparkling with mischief. "I found my way back from the lake. I don't want to see the territory until I'm an apprentice- otherwise it wouldn't be a surprise!"

She jumped to her paws quickly, turning back to Sootface. "Can you finish the story?" She mewed. Sunkit noted how her fur was fluffed up in excitement.

She'd obviously heard something exciting, and he wanted to know what it was.

"If Sunkit's okay with it," the elder mewed, her pale blue gaze flickering between each kit. Sunkit's gaze snapped to the elder.

He blinked, before realising his fur had prickled up in anticipation and excitement for the story, making the tom himself look like Amberkit. "Oh. Um. Sure!" He sat himself down next to Amberkit a little too close, nudging her away as he sat.

Immediately he recoiled, hopping about a mouse-length away and sitting down. "Sorry!" He mewed, head turning around to her, ears flattening. Will she hate me? I hope she doesn't hate me. Is she alright?

She shook her head. "Don't worry! It's fine!"

She shuffled back over to him so they were sitting next to each other.

"Now, Sunkit, I'd just told Amberkit how Redfeather had led a patrol of five cats- Gingerheart, Thrushwhisker, Owlsong, Aspenflight, a senior warrior back then, and I- to drive out two badgers that had recently moved into ThunderClan territory. We'd just attacked them, but all was not going well. Thrushwhisker was taking on the female herself, while me and the others were fighting the largest excuse for a badger I've ever seen."

The frail she-cat seemed to shudder at the thought.

"We managed to fight him until he had been shoved to the ground, and all turned to Gingerheart to help her except for Aspenflight, who had the badger pinned down.

"We managed to chase the badger off the territory and into ShadowClan's, forgetting about Aspenflight. Gingerheart had returned to camp by then, bleeding too much to continue fighting. It was just me, Thrushwhisker and Owlsong.

"When we got back to the clearing, Aspenflight was lying on the ground in a pool of blood. Thrushwhisker-"

she was broken off by the brown tom. "Aspenflight was my mate, and Gingerheart's sister. I rushed over to her. After a few heartbeats, it dawned on me that she was dead. Once I learned this, I rushed back to camp with her."

He dipped his head to Sootface, who replied with a soft, comforting purr. "She was a great warrior." She then turned back to the kits.

"In grief and rage, Owlsong threw herself onto the badger, but she was shaken off like leaf-bare snow. The badger lunged for me, and before you could say 'mouse' had pinned me down."

She closed her eyes for a while, and Sunkit guessed she was content now that she had gotten back to where she was in the first place.

"I had shut my eyes, waiting for death, but instead, I felt swoosh of air, a roar, and then a triumphant yowl. When I looked up, the badger was gone, and instead stood a young black tom!"

She paused for a while, as if running over the memory again.

"I got up and padded over to the tom, who'd just killed the badger. He was large, and stank of badger blood. "Who are you?" I had asked. My claws were unsheathed. He had turned around. "I am Raven," he replied to me."

She finished with a dramatic bow, whiskers twitching. Sunkit turned to Amberkit, who had her eyes shut tight, clearly deep in concentration.

Suddenly, she leapt up, eyes flying open. "Raven is Raventail! My father!" She mewed, eyes lighting up.

The elder dipped her head, mewing with a voice cracked with age.

"You are clever, young kit. Intelligence always makes a great warrior." Sunkit purred as Amberkit straightened herself so she was almost as tall as him.

"Amberkit!" A shriek came from outside the den, causing the black and ginger she-kit to wince.

"That'll be Foxtail..." She swiftly leapt to her paws and hared out the den.

"What do you think you were doing, young she-cat?" The ferocious roar made Sunkit wince as well.

He stalked out the den, but before he had a chance to dash over to the nursery, a question caught his attention.

"Who's going to tell him about his father?" The voice belonged to Thrushwhisker.

He darted away before he could hear anything else, not wanting to be caught eavesdropping.

Sunkit's sisters already lay by Hazelshade. The pale ginger tom nosed his way between Heatherkit and one of Hazelshade's paws and shut his eyes tight, though yowling outside from Foxtail kept him awake for longer.

It was ages before the ginger and white she-cat stalked in, a black and ginger kit dangling from her jaws, two kits following her.

When they lay in their nest, Sunkit finally fell asleep, his dreams filled with images of the story that Sootface had told.

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