Chapter 13

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The question shocked Sunpaw so much, he found himself unable to speak.

The silver and white tabby gave a nervous sigh. "I thought so." She murmured quietly, her voice hollow with worry.

Finally, Sunpaw found his voice. "How... How do you know her?" He mewed quietly, eyes round with confusion and fear. She knows about Nightshade. She must know about my training in the Dark Forest!

He was tempted to ask her for help to get rid of the she-cat, but out of fear, he contained his feelings.

"I had a dream." She mewed. "Must I explain more?"

Sunpaw's claws unsheathed and sheathed again as he tensed up. "Nightshade has come to me in my dreams a few times, making me a better warrior. Besides, she is my aunt. I should be allowed to see her once in a while, shouldn't I?"

He paused, then added, "It's not like you can stop me, is it?" His gaze held a feel of malice, one that he felt belonged there. "I could do anything I wanted, and all you could do is say 'please don't do that, Sunpaw.'"

A dangerous fire burned his heart now, one that he liked the feel of. It made him feel dark, powerful...

Silverleaf sighed, touching the tip of her tail to where his chest was. "Sunpaw, I know you. I know you'd never do anything like that on purpose. Also, so does StarClan. It is their will that you get better as a warrior, but the only way to do that is the right way."

"Silverleaf, the truth is, I hate Nightshade. She is training me way too hard, and I know why. She wants revenge.

"You see, her mother, Screech, always hated the clan cats. Nightshade herself was raised with our clan, ThunderClan. However, she grew an odd taste for battle, a thirst for blood, almost. She is working on creating a clan of her own to drag down the clans, like Tigerstar once did.

"I'm not the only one being trained. I mean, nobody has ever been there from ThunderClan. There are many ShadowClan and RiverClan warriors there, though, and a few WindClan cats. They are very manipulative, and seem to target the ones with siblings shining above them, ones who are shunned, ones who have broken hearts, ones who feel judged..."

Sunpaw didn't realise how much he was blurting out until he had finished.
He went on to explain battle tactics, then finally what he had to do with it.
"Nightshade's mother, Screech, often has us brutally fighting to the death. I... I have killed two cats. Dead, of course, and they were evil anyway, so that's alright, isn't it?"

After explaining everything, it was almost sunrise. The Dawn patrol were just leaving. Silverleaf, eyes closed to slits, shook her head sadly. "As I suspected..." She murmured quietly. "And you don't even want a piece of what she is offering you?"

Sunpaw wouldn't meet her gaze, afraid that she would read it. He was about to lie, then decided it wasn't worth it. "I have always wanted to be powerful... I like the thought of being leader. But I would never kill innocent cats to get to that."

That seemed to settle the medicine cat, and she smiled. "I know."

She paused, then mewed, "you know, I am going to have to repeat every word of this to Bumblestar. He fears greatly for you." Her intense gaze bore into his, and he felt his neck fur bristle, but forced it to lie flat.

"Of course." He mewed quietly. "May I go now?" He asked, a wave of tiredness suddenly conquering him. The tabby dipped her head. "I'll tell Bumblestar that you'll be taking the day off. He'll want to speak to you, anyway."

Sunpaw nodded, then padded back into the apprentice's den, curling up in his nest and falling asleep.

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