Chapter 4

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"Sunpaw! Wake up!" The sharp mew shook him immediately from his slumber.

"Wh-what?" He shook his head, blinking his eyes to adjust to the light that was filling his new den.

He suddenly gasped, eyes widening, leaping up. "I'm an apprentice!" He padded out of the den, where Bumblestar sat waiting.

"Where are we going today? What are we doing? Patrolling? Hunting? Battle training? Patrolling? Wait. I just said that. Oh well!" He gasped. This day could be amazing!

Despite his questions, Bumblestar simply laughed and shook his head.

"Apprentices." He gestured for Sunpaw to follow him, and then got to his paws, heading towards the camp enterance, and the golden apprentice quickly followed.

"First, we're going to tour you around the territory."

Sunpaw glanced behind him just in time to see his two sisters approaching, followed by their mentors.

Oakfur was practically running to keep up with Heatherpaw, who had broke into a run, excited, while Ivypaw padded alot slower, chatting to Breezestorm about all she wanted to learn, and how amazing a warrior she was going to make.

Occasionally, the dark warrior would roll his eyes and yawn.

"Come on, you two!" Purred Bumblestar.

Sunpaw sat down next to his mentor as Ivypaw approached. "All the prey will have died of boredom!"

He led the way out of camp, closely followed by Sunpaw, whose eyes were wide with excitement.


"...And this is the training hollow." Bumblestar led the way into a shaded clearing, though before Sunpaw could even tell him how amazing it was and what it was for, he dived out the way when a surprised caterwaul echoed from somewhere in front of him.

Sunpaw leapt after him, but it was too late. He only just managed to pull his head away from his body when a flurry of ginger fur threw him to the ground.

Thorn-sharp claws pierced his flank for a few heart beats, but were quickly sheathed. The anxious, white-muzzled face of Cherrypaw stared at him for a few heartbeats, half confused, half horrified, but then burst into giggles.

"Sorry!" She purred, leaping off the tom.

He rolled his eyes and mumbled, "Just look out next time."

He padded over to Bumblestar, who was shaking his head, though an amused purr escaped his throat.

"Cherrypaw, though Sunpaw may look like an oversized hare, he certainly isn't."

Sunpaw let out a half hearted growl, making everyone laugh, except from Ivypaw, who simply glared at him through slitted eyes, then turned away from him, closing her eyes and letting out an annoyed 'Hmph!"

Thistlepaw emerged from the shadows, along with two cats he'd only seen at clan gatherings.

"Cherrypaw? What is going on here?" One of the cats, a dark grey tom, mewed to the excited apprentice.

Though his voice was strict and firm, his green eyes were alive with amusement.

Cherrypaw padded over to him, head hanging low. "I'm sorry, Shrewfoot. I wasn't looking where I was going. I'll do it better next time!"

She leapt in mid air, before bounding into the shadows. Shrewfoot rolled his eyes and followed her.

"Coming, Thistlepaw?" The other, a pale grey she-cat, mewed, before following the other two. The apprentice dipped his head to Bumblestar, before dashing into the shadows, calling "Yes, Pebblesplash!"


"And that," finished Bumblestar as they entered camp, "Is ThunderClan territory."

He let out a yawn and flicked his tail to the apprentices. "You can fetch some food for the elders, and then get something for yourselves."

The large tom dipped his head before padding away to a group of senior warriors.

Sunpaw padded over to where scents- delecious, musky scents- drifted from, and chose two pieces of prey- a mouse for one of the elders and a sparrow for himself.

He grasped them in his jaws and dashed over to the elders' den.
He placed his mouse at Sootface's paws quickly, earning him a rusty purr and a quick lick on the cheek, then padded away to eat his.

As he trotted by with his prey, he saw Cherrypaw sitting with Thistlepaw, Ashpaw and Whitepaw and thought about padding over, but Ivypaw and Heatherpaw scampered past him, and as she passed him, Ivypaw lashed her tail against his face.

"Mind if we sit with you?" She mewed to Ashpaw.

However, he noticed Sunpaw and nudged Whitepaw.

They both got up and lead him away from the other apprentices.

Sunpaw's fur pricked up, but Whitepaw smoothed it down with her paw, letting out an amused purr.

"Calm down, silly! We just want to sit with you!" She purred, Laying down and dropping her meal, a pigeon, at her paws.

Ashpaw sat down next to her, placing his kill, a large mouse, by his paws.
He too slid into a laying position and dipped his head to take a bite out of it.
Whitepaw let out a yawn, before mewing, "So, how was your first day as an apprentice?"

She curled her tail around Sunpaw, who had taken a bite of his sparrow.
Ashpaw looked up. "Hm... It's kinda hard to remember. We had a tour of the-"

"Not you!"

"Oh! Sorry."



Sunpaw lay in his nest, nose tucked under his tail.

Though it was only a few moments of sleep that he was able to receive before a paw jabbed him sharply.

He opened his eyes to the pale grey tabby apprentice, Ashpaw. His eyes were deep pools of concern, and fear rimmed every one of his features.

Sunpaw blinked slowly. "Wh-what's going on?" He mewed, voice sounding more groggy that he'd hoped.

The the apprentice's reply shocked him much more. "ShadowClan is attacking!"

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