Chapter 26

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The first thing Sunflame learned was that Nightshade was heavy.

Very heavy.

He attempted to kick her off, but she stayed firm, claws digging into his shoulders like thorns.

He pretended to go limp, waited for her triumphant yowl, and- it never came.

"You don't really think I'd fall for that, do you? This isn't a battle of wits, Sunpaw, because I'd win that any day."

He hissed. "It's Sunflame. And that's fine with me."

With all his might he leapt at her...

And he bounced right off.

She just looked at him. "Sunpaw, darling, seriously? I taught you everything you know. I'm also stronger than you. No, only if you were full-grown would you ever be able to beat me. But you've still got some kit-fur behind your ears!" She tickled her tail along Sunflame's head, tracing his ears.

A yowl echoed from behind Sunflame, followed by others. ThunderClan at last! Sunflame's sigh was shortened by a pelt slamming into his.

"Out of the way." A rough voice mewed, with the hints of a snarl.

The cat in front of him had just knocked him out of the way and batted Nightshade to the side like she was nothing.

Sunflame's eyes widened as a long, golden tail whisked through the throng of cats.

"Goldensun?" Sunflame's eyes narrowed as he recognised the cat in front of him. "What in the name of StarClan are you doing here?"

The golden tom whisked around. "I'm getting revenge, my son. I'm sorry for not letting you kill Screech, but she's mine to kill."

And for a moment, they were equal. Sunflame felt no hatred towards him, only a great sense of loss on his behalf. He gave his father a quick nod, which was returned swiftly.

With that, Goldensun whisked around again, lunging at any Dark Forest cat that got in his way.

Seeing as Nightshade had slinked into the shadows, Sunflame stalked after his father, pawsteps light against the ground.

"Oh, my former apprentice. Hello, Goldensun!" A warm, welcoming yet incredibly false purr vibrated in a white she-cat's throat. Her one eye glared at her once-apprentice as Sunflame's father circled her.

"I don't know how in StarClan's name you are here. You died moons and moons ago, Screech. I wasn't even born. But I do know one thing: you have blinded me my whole life from who I could have been. So me and some of my rogues- and even some old clanmates- have come to help defeat you fools."

At that, cats poured out of trees, surrounding the battling cats. The second patrol, the camp-cats, rogues... Even Tawnywing and Rowanfur appeared in the throng of cats joining the battle.

The living now outnumbered the dead two to one. However, Sunflame didn't know if the Dark Forest had any other living allies from other clans, or even if all the ThunderClan cats were fighting for their Clan.

Glancing around, Sunflame saw Ivyfrost sneaking off quietly.

Without a second thought, he hared after her.


"Where do you think you're going?" He called out, pelt bristling as his sister spun around. "And since when do you side with the Dark Forest?"

Ivyfrost's ears flattened as Sunflame let out a snarl. "No, please! She said you'd be safe if I helped her."

"Didn't it occur to you that perhaps she was using you?" Sunflame's pelt was hot with anger. "You almost got everyone killed! Don't you care for anyone?"

Almost blinded by anger, Sunflame leaped on his sister, who, for some reason, didn't react.

His eyes narrowed slightly, his taste for blood disappearing. "Well? Do something, mouse-brain!"

"No, Sunflame. I'm sorry. I can't fight you." Her mew quivered, eyes focused on the ground, trying to control the shaking in her paws.

"Then go." He snarled, claws sheathing. "Get out of here. I hate you, and I never want to see you again!"

Without waiting to see if she actually left, Sunflame spun around and returned to the fight.

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