Chapter 6

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No, leave me alone...

Thud. Thud.

Just a few more minutes...

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Sunpaw groaned, opening his eyes. He was shocked to find himself lay in a large, clear puddle of cold water in the middle of a dawnlit pine forest. It was raining heavily, so the tom darted under a large pine tree and shook his fur, before laying down.

"No, Sunpaw. Don't rest. Resting is for the weak." Said a voice behind him. He turned his head to find a slim black she-cat gazing down at him, her green-yellow eyes thoughtful.

"A bit scrawny, but you'll do, I suppose. Screech was right when she said that you were not unlike me." Sunpaw got up and turned around, then sat down so he was facing the she-cat. "If you don't mind me asking, who are you?"

The dark she-cat let out a cold chuckle at that. "Why, Sunpaw, I thought you'd recognise Hazelshade's best friend and adopted sister when you saw her."

It came out as a purr, and Sunpaw gasped, a tiny flame lighting up inside of him.

Impossible... He thought, eyes lighting up. "Y-you're Nightshade? You and my mother did so many things together!"

If Sunpaw knew he was gaping, he gave no sign of it.

Then he suddenly remembered something else his mother had said.

"B-but- she said that you had turned evi-"

he broke off as a dark tail came to his mouth. "Shh, little one," she crooned. "Do you know why you are here?" She asked, almost too innocently.

Her eyes bore down into Sunpaw's own amber eyes, making him wince.

He glanced away, only to see it had stopped raining. Without another moment's hesitation, shook his head to the question. "Am I supposed to?"

She seemed to rejoice at that. "Oh, don't worry. That's just perfect. We can get a fresh start."

"On what?"


Sunpaw gasped, eyes lighting up with horror. "Wait, are you from the Dark Forest? Wait. No, you can't be... That's impossible."

He quickly shook his head. "This is pretty. I like it here. Bumblestar said that the dark forest is, well, dark, and has evil cats like Hawkfrost and Mapleshade, the cats from the tales, in it."

He was staring out into the dark sky, watching the moon, so he missed the small bristling of Nightshade's fur, and the lash of her tail, and her disapproving glare.

"This may not be what you expected of the Dark Forest, but I am from it. Wait, just let me explain!" She mewed as Sunpaw's head snapped around to her.

He glared at her, but nodded rather curtly, his fiery amber gaze blazing hot with quiet fury.

"Some cats in the dark forest know what they did was wrong, and they are doing everything they can to get into StarClan. I am one of them. We only train cats to prove to StarClan that we can do things, that we deserve a chance to show what we can do."

At Nightshade's words, Sunpaw seemed to relax, nodding. "That makes sense." He mewed. "I think I can trust you." That won an approving nod. Then, he leapt to his paws. "What is this about training?" He demanded.

The dark she-cat let out a chuckle. "Eager, aren't we?" She purred.

"Training... Ahh, a wonderful word. Well, I can make you the cat you want to be. I can shape you into a warrior that can kill things like badgers in a few blows. I can make even twolegs cower at the sight of you, if you train with me. But you must promise not to tell anyone, for if you do, they might want to prevent you from becoming the warrior you will be once I've finished with you, Sunpaw. They will be jealous, and envy your future. Many cats may want to kill you for your place."

She blinked at him when he gasped. "Yes. It is true. Cats will go as far as killing, just to be trained by someone like me."

He gulped, then nodded. "I promise." He mewed, dipping his head to the she-cat. "But I still have two questions..."

"Ask away." Came the purred reply.

"Well, will Ivypaw have to train with me? I mean, she's not exactly someone I like, and if I have to train with her, I may not be able to train with you a-"

He was cut off by Nightshade.

"No, Sunpaw. You are the only cat I am training. Don't worry, there are other Dark Forest cats around to make sure nothing bad happens, and they have apprentices of their own, most inside the clans. But your training will not only be supervised by me, but the very leader of this part of the Dark Forest- the very edge of the Place of No Stars and the gateway to StarClan." Her eyes now shone with an emotion Sunpaw could barely detect; envy, fear, or perhaps pride?

She blinked, noticing Sunpaw's gaze averted to her. "But you're not here for that. You're here to train, so let's get on with-"

"And that brings me onto my last question. Who is the leader of this place? Who is my other supervisor?"

There was a sharp intake of breath, then an almost frustrated sigh, but when Sunpaw finally caught a glimpse of Nightshade's face, he saw a smirk of pride. "My mother." She purred. "Screech."

"Screech? Your mother is-" the young apprentice's eyes widened. "The cat who killed her own kits because they weren't evil?"

"All except one little litter of two." The dark cat seemed to grimace.

Sunpaw flicked his tail. "Well, I feel your pain. My mother ignores me, or fears me. One of the two." He glared down at the ground.

He was completely unexpecting the slash across the face, and the pain it drew. "Don't give me sympathy! Sympathy is for the weak!" She hissed, crouched down. Her ears were flat. Her fur bristled. Her eyes were deep pools of fire. Anger radiated from them.

Sunpaw gulped. "I'm sorry, Nightshade."

That earned him another unexpected blow.

"No, Sunpaw! Have you learned nothing? Don't apologise!"

"Yes, Nightshade. I won't." He promised, dipping his head. That seemed to settle her, for she sat up again.

"Aww. I knew you were alright." She crooned softly.

Sunpaw puffed out his chest proudly at that, and Nightshade nodded. "We'll make a warrior of you yet." She mewed, ears twitching with satisfaction. "But now you must wake up. You will be late for training." Sunpaw's eyes widened.


"Told you he would be an asset." Purred a voice behind Nightshade.

The dark she-cat just nodded. "And as usual, you were right, mother."

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