Q and A

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This chapter is a question and answer section, if you can't tell by the name.

In it, I'll be asking some questions to my most awesome readers, you, and you can answer them in the comments.

You can also ask some questions of your own- about anything from the book, to inspiration, to favorite characters, or even about me. You can even ask questions to the cats from Rising Sun, and they'll answer them as honestly as they can!

Let me start with 5 questions of my own, and below it, I'll give you some facts about the book that you may or may not already know.

First, the questions:

1) Who is your favorite character?
(Mine is Sunflame, obviously.)

2) Who is your least favorite character? If you don't have one, which character was least developed that you would have liked to get to know more?
(I don't think I have a least favourite cat, but I would have liked to develop some of the warriors more- Gingerheart, who is Goldensun and Bumblestar's mother, for instance.)

3) What is your biggest ship of this book?
(My ship is definitely Ambersun/Amberflame/Sunblaze. 😍)

4) And your least favorite ship?
(Probably Honeysun- Honeywhisker (AKA Calisse) and Sunflame.)

5) Out of 10, how would you rate the book, with 0 being rubbish and 10 being superduperspectaculamazing?
(10. Duh.)

and now, some facts that you most likely wouldn't have known until this day:

Bumbleheart always loved Hazelshade. It broke his heart when she chose his brother over him when he was deputy, which is the main reason why he went against his brother in the prologue. If Hazelshade hadn't picked a mate by then, Bumbleheart would have most likely gone with his brother and ThunderClan would be under the rule of an evil cat.

Amberblaze actually liked Ashcloud once upon a time, but she was smart enough to see that Heathermist, then Heatherpaw, liked him. As an older apprentice, she realised that she actually held feelings for Sunflame, and when a warrior that she loved him.

Also, if Amberblaze and Ashcloud had become mates, their kits would have been Stormkit, a pale grey tabby tom, Sorrelkit, a mottled tortoiseshell she-cat, and Swiftkit, a black she-cat with a white chest. Sunflame would have never taken a mate, and the next prophecy would never have been completed (Sunflame's kits continue it). Therefore, Clans = 💔 without fate... And Heathermist's love life. But mostly fate.

Nightshade and Hazelshade were best friends for moons, and Cinderstar used to actually like her foster kit more than her real kit; Nightshade was always staying out of trouble, since Hazelshade was always trying to impress everyone.

Amberblaze's siblings, Stormkit and Birchkit, would have become Stormfang and Birchwhisker, had they been alive.

Had the three been gender-swapped, Sunflame would be Sunfire, Ivyfrost would be Snowfrost and Heathermist would be Stagheart.

Hazelshade still loves Goldensun, but she can never forgive him for Cinderstar's death. This makes their relationship impossible, leaving no chance for them to get back together.

It was Goldensun who murdered Flamestar, not Sunflame. He felt no remorse, up until just before he left with Ivyfrost. All the terrible things came back to him when he saw his son fully grown and a smaller version of himself, slightly hotheaded like he once was, but completely loyal. He constantly wishes he could take those horrible things back.

Ivyfrost went to the Dark Forest once as a kit. They told her that Sunflame would one day try to kill her, and scared her into being mean to him; they told her that if she was mean to him, he wouldn't hurt her. As a warrior, she realised that it would never happen, but didn't know how to apologise.

Bet you didn't know that about these characters, did you?

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