Chapter 1

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I'm sitting in Heathers car, right in front of the airport, stalling. My mind and heart is tugging back and forth, should I stay or should I go? My mind is telling me to go, go far away from this place and from him but my heart is telling me to stay, stay until he works out whatever is going on inside of him.

I glance at Heather who's staring at me. She knows I'm considering staying.

I squeeze my eyes shut tight "What should I do?"

She places her cold hand on my warm one "Whatever you want honey."

I look out the window, watching all the people going to catch their flights. That would be me if my legs could work and if my heart wasn't speaking louder then my mind.

I pull out my phone, dial my moms number then wait for her to pick up. She's gonna be so upset with me because I'm not going back to California. She thinks floroda is bad for my mental and emotional health, maybe it is but the man I love is here and I won't leave. I'll give Diego some space and time.

"Did you catch your flight?" She sounds so excited, I push the guilt out of my head, for now.

I lay my head back on the seat "I'm not coming mom." The guilt that was once in my head has found its way to my stomach, making me want to throw up.

"What do you mean?" All the excitement leaves her voice.

"I'm staying in Florida, I can't leave."

" Why not."

"I don't like going back and forth, it's draining" that's half the truth. I really don't like traveling from California to Florida.

"You can't stay, where are you going to live? You already withdrew." I'm glad she thinks this is about school and not Diego.

"I'll wait until next semester and reenroll."

It's silent on the other line for a second, i think she might not like the idea until I hear her sigh.

"Fine Naomi, I'll get you an apartment in Boca Raton, pay for the rent and everything thing but you have to get a job." I can hear in her voice she's stressed out, already.

"Boca Raton? Mom that's six hours away." I'm not worried about the job thing but moving to Boca Raton. That's six hours away from Tallahassee.

"My decision is finale." She's putting her foot down, I know she's serious

I frown and rub my forehead "Alright"

We go over the details together. She's going to talk to a realtor tomorrow for the apartment, and I'll apply for another job, since I quit American Eagle. She's sending someone down to help me move in to my new apartment I'm getting and she wants me to apply to FAU, Florida Atlantic University too. I feel she's asking for too much. Hopefully I'll get back into FSU.

I'll have to stay in a motel tonight since i have no where else to go

"You can stay at Wilsons place" Heather makes a U-turn out of the airport

I can't go to Wilsons, I know Diego is gonna be there. I shake my head "No, can you just take me to Boca Inn Motel." That's the closet motel to Boca Raton thats in my budget.

"Okay" I don't know what I'd do without Heather.

"And Heather" I turn towards her


"Don't tell anyone I'm still in Florida, especially Wilson." If Will finds out he'll definitely tell Diego and I don't want that. Diego and I need to be apart right now, for both of our sakes.

"Of course" she gives me a weak smile.

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