Chpater 19

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Naomi's POV

Diego planned a dinner date with him and I and Wilson and Heather. He say we all need to hand out again but I really thinks he's just trying to get me out of the house. I've not been wanting to go out because my face is still bruised up but he's forcing me.

I'm currently in the bathroom, staring at my damaged face when Diego strides in. I see his reflection in the mirror, he's wearing a white button up shirt with a plain black tie and black jeans.

"You ready."

"No." My voice comes out in a mumble.

I feel him place his large hands on my waist "You look beautiful Noemi." I don't respond so he spins me around to face him. "You are beautiful." He presses his lips to mine and I could just melt into him and stay there forever.

He lets go of my waist and takes ahold of my hand "Let's go so we can get back home and I can take you out of that dress." He smirks at me.


As all of us walk into the restaurant I tense up because this is the same place Brian and I went to. It brings back a lot of thoughts I don't even want to think about.

We take a seat in a booth, Heather sits by Will and I sit by Diego. It's nice to have the whole gang back together.

"So have you found a job yet." Heather ask me while stirring around the lemon in her water.

"Not yet, so far things haven't gone as planned." I feel bad because I promised my mom if she payed for me to stay in Florida I'll get a job until I can go back to school. I've been in Boca Raton for a while now and I can't even find one. I can't call her because she'll start to ask questions and I know for a fact the whole Brian situation will come up and I don't want to worry her. She has too much to worry about with everything that's going on with my dad.

I sigh and take a sip of my water.

Diegos hand grasp my thigh so I look up at him "You okay?"

I nod my head and go back to looking at the menu.

Things between Diego and I are great. When we're not having sex, which is pretty often, we're talking about stuff. I can tell he's trying to be better, more open. He talks to me about his "dad", Danny and how he misses his mom and sisters. He's way more emotional and loving too, which I love.

We all order food and when it comes out we talk and laugh with one another. The whole thing brightens my mood. I suppose being around people you love does that to you.

"Rubens asking for you." Wilson blurts out.

"Who's Ruben." I look at Diego and ask.

He frowns "Nows not the fucking time."

I begin to think that Diego is still selling and I don't want to think that because that's one of the reasons why we split. Although he did tell me he wasn't going to quit.

"Everything okay over here?" I don't even have to see his face to know who he is. Instantly I'm like a deer in headlights, I tense up.

Wilson throws some money on the table and gets up quickly "It's time to go." Heather gets up too meanwhile I'm glued to the seat.

"You guys didn't even get dessert." Brian says while grinning at me.

Diego starts to stand up and I try to pull him back down but he's not going. "You got some fucking stones coming over here."

Will goes to stand by Diego then he puts his hand on his shoulder.

"Heather can you take Noemi to the car." I hear Diego say.

Will sighs.

"I'm not leaving you."

"Noemi go to the car, now." He's looking at Brian while he's speaking to me.

Heather pulls me up from the booth and starts to lead to out the restaurant door. I feel the tears welling in my eyes. I know how Diego can be when he gets angry and I don't want him to do something dumb, like hit a cop.

Heather and I exit the restaurant and get into her car. I lay my head in her lap and try not to cry.

"They'll be fine." Heather whispers to me while we wait.

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