Chapter 6

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Naomi's POV

I'm so hungry that I could die. I haven't ate since last night after I finished unpacking my clothes and putting them in the dresser. I have no food in the fridge, I want to go to the store but I have no car. So far this day has been sucky.

I'm currently pacing around contemplating on whether I should call Brian or not, so he can take me to the store. It's so hard trying to avoid him when he's the only person I have right now.

My phone rings as I'm just about to take it out. I look at the picture, Marcus face pops up and a huge smile crosses my face. I haven't spoken to him since the family reunion and I really miss his voice.

"Marcus." I squeal into the phone.

"Baby sister, how's it going?" He sounds excited.

I tell him about the house, how small but beautiful it is. Than I tell him about applying for the two colleges while looking for a job. I still haven't found a job I really want down here but I'm gonna have to settle for something quick.

I decide not to bring up Brian because he's still probably mad at him and I completely understand that.

"You're living the lavish life huh?" He chuckles.

"Only for a little while."

I'm hoping in a couple weeks or so Diego will come to his damn senses and realize that I love him with all my heart, that I'll do anything for him. That I want to be with him forever. Hopefully he'll feel the same way because I want my happiness back.

"Naomi," Marcus tone goes all serious "I have some news I need to tell you."

My heart starts to race, when someone says those words in that tone it's never good. "What is it?"

"Dads in the hospital, all that drinking caught up to him." He pauses for a second "He had a stroke, a fucking bad one. He's okay now but the doctors are keeping him overnight for observation."

My heart sinks, my father was really never there, but he's still my dad and I wish nothing bad to happen to him. However he had this coming, he's been drinking since I could remember.

"Do you want me to come down there?" I'd drop everything for my family, no doubt.

"No, no. We have this under control, you stay right where you are," He's silent for a second "plus we all know you stayed because of that boy." I can picture him smiling.

As I'm about to protest there's a knock on the door. I tell Marcus that I'll call him back later than hang up.

I open the door, Brian is standing there in his uniform, a couples months ago I would've thought he was hot but now I don't see it.

"Hey" he steps inside, inviting his self in.

I back up "I was just about to call you." He faces lights up so I elaborate "I wanted to ask you if you could take me to the store, considering I have nothing to eat."

I hold my breath, praying he'll say yes. If not than I'm gonna have to take the damn bus and I haven't learned my way around so that'll be a hassle.

"Of course" he says after a couple minutes of staring at me.

I jump up and down like a child on its way to the amusement park. Although I don't like Brian I'm happy he's helping me. I guess that's all he's good for.

We walk out to his cop car, I get in and again I sit as close to the door as I can.

Throughout the whole ride to the grocery store and back I felt very uncomfortable. Brian kept glancing at me and putting his hand on my knee. We didn't even talk, he just touched me.

I've known Brian basically my whole life, I've been uncomfortable around him before but the uncomfortable I experienced in the car was new, like creepy uncomfortable.

I'm now in my kitchen putting the groceries away while Brian sits on the stool, spinning around. I don't want him here but I'm not gonna just kick him out, he just did me a huge favor.

"So Nomi I was thinking since I did you a favor you could return it." He blurts out.

I knew in my heart this was gonna happen.

"What?" I try to sound interested.

"I wanna take you out, on a date since we never had a proper one."

My heart stops. This is the worst possible thing he could've asked, I don't think I could sit through a whole entire date with Brian and not show how annoyed I am.

He gets up from the stool and starts to walk over to me "I promise we won't take the black and white." He chuckles while placing his hand on my shoulder.

I look up into his eyes and all of a sudden he's starting to creep me out. I don't like this feeling.


"Since you just got here a day ago I figured I let you get settled in. So next Friday night around eight." He begins to slide his hand down my shoulder to my arm.

I pull away from him, pretending to be occupied with the groceries. I know in my gut this is a bad idea, I'm basically playing with fire here, but I just can't say no after what he's done for me.

"Okay." I'm glad my back is turned to him while I put the milk in the fridge, because I don't wanna look at his face.

He places a hand on my lower back "I can't wait." He whispers into my ear and a shiver runs down my shine. He kisses the side of my neck than walks out of the door and I lock it behind him.

My brain is telling me to not go, everything in my body is telling me to not go. I run a hand through my tangled curls and pull out my phone.

I'm inviting Heather over this Friday to see what her input is.

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