Chapter 4

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I step back, disgusted at the sight of him. How could my mom send him here, out of all people? My fucking dad would've been a better choice.

"Don't be like that." His duty belt juggles as he nears me. He grabs my elbow and I snatch away.

"Don't you fucking dare." I hiss.

He raises his hands in surrender then goes to sit in the chair by the side table. His walk is so confident that I want to punch him, he's here all happy while I'm miserable. I would've been even more miserable if I was in California so I guess it doesn't make a difference where I'm at.

"How've you been" he cross his arms, while tapping his foot.

I'm not buying the nice guy act.

"Why did my mom send you here?"

He chuckles "Funny story, after you left a couple days later I got a call, they reassigned me down here, in Boca Raton. It kinda helps that they pay a bit more." I used to love his laugh, now I despise it.

He ruined my relationship, I know at times Diego wasn't the nicest man but he was my man. Brain wanted me to be with him so bad but the feelings just weren't there. I had a tiny crush on him, that's it, that's all.

"And my mom just happened to send me here?" It doesn't make sense. Brain had to know I was going to stay in order for my mom to send me here. But how did he talk to my mom when him and Marcus aren't even talking? Marcus is up at that house everyday, he wouldn't have allowed Brain to come in, not after what I told him.

"I knew you were gonna stay because of him, he has that hold on you. I had to call your mom and tell her how he treats you, that you need to stay far away from him." He gets up from the chair and walks to me slowly.

"And by him you mean Diego?"

"Yes" he says it like its revolting.

Brain thinks Diego treated me like a dog, that he has no respect for me. I don't know where he got that idea from but it's crazy.

"You need to put as much distance between yourself and him as you can." Jealously is written all over his face, he doesn't even try to hide it.

I don't want to talk about this anymore, I can feel the tears start to come and I don't want to cry in front of him. I feel faint so I close my eyes and breathe in and out.

"Can we go" I ask after I compose myself.

"Yeah, I'll get your bags" he bends down to pick them up.

"No, I can do it" I don't need or want his help.

We exit the room, outside a police car is parked in front of the motel I was staying in, on the side of it, it says Boca Raton Police, my stomach tightens a little. Seeing him everyday is gonna be a challenge. I dump my bags in the back seat of the police car.

When I enter the passenger seat of the car I try to scoot as close to the door as possible, not wanting to have any type of contact with him, physically.

We pull off as soon as he settled into the drivers seat.


The driveway to this house is so wide that even with the police car, there's still room for one more.

I grab my suitcase than Brian and I both walk up the stone pathway to this amazing house.

Brain opens the door to the house and my jaw drops. It's small but beautiful. When I first walk in there's the kitchen, with a marble island, a wide sink and a fridge that has two doors. Beside the kitchen is the sitting room, the couch is a dark brown that wraps around the big window behind it. I'll have to get some curtains for that. The small tv is sitting in front of the couch on a stand. Beside the kitchen and the sitting room there's a long highway that goes into the only bedroom and beside the bedroom there's a bathroom with a toilet and glass shower.

The bedroom is huge however the queen size bed with poles take up most of the space. There's a tv on the wall and two night stands on either sides of the bed. There's a bathroom too but bigger, it has a tub and shower, with a toilet and a two sinks.

I love it, I'll have to invite Heather over for a girls night. We can order greasy pizza and ice cream, watch Tom Hardy movies all night and just have a good time.

I exit the bedroom to see Brain sitting on one of the stools "How do you like it."

"Great." I have to be short as possible so he'll get the hint to leave.

I go over to the fridge, open the two doors at the same time, one is a freezer, the other is a regular fridge. There's nothing in them except milk, ice, and cheese. I'll definitely have to go to the grocery store, on the bus probably because I don't have a car.

He gets up off the stool "Well I'll see you to it."

He goes to leave but I call out to him, he turns around with a glowing face.

"Put the key on the counter."

He does as I ask then leaves. I go an lock the door behind him. Thank the lord he's out of my sight, his whole presence annoys me. I wheel my suitcases inside my new room and start to unpack, this is gonna be a long couple of months by myself.

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