Chapter 8

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Naomi's POV

I'm sitting on my couch with a bowl of popcorn in between Heather and I. I called her up Friday, asking her to come over to discuss my "date" with Brian however we haven't gotten to that topic yet.  She came over this Saturday morning, she didn't say much but I know something is weighing heavily on her mind.

I mute the tv "Heather, what's wrong"

She turns a hand through her red hair "I told Will that you weren't really in California."

I sit up straight "What? Why would you do that?" I specifically told her not to tell him because I know for a fact Wilson will say something to Diego.

I don't want him to know I'm this close to him, not yet anyway.

"Listen, Diego kept accusing me of cheating on Will with Bobby because I would be gone so long on the weekends. It just came out one night while we were having an argument." She lets out a sigh.

Now that I understand why she did it, it's not as big of a deal. However, I hope Wilson can keep his mouth shut.

"Did Diego hear any of it?"

She shakes her head "Nope, he was drunk off his ass."

He's drinking again? The last time I seen him drink heavily was when that whole argument went down at his family dinner with Danny.

"He's been doing it a lot, ever since you left and on top of that he moved out of his moms house so now he's staying with us."

I feel like I've missed so much in the span of a week. Then hearing that Diego has been drinking nonstop breaks my heart. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

Heather puts her hand over mine "Naomi don't worry about it, Will is taking great care of him."

Diego doesn't need anyone to take care of him, he's a grown man, he needs to start taking care of himself.

Heather pulls me into her so that I'm lying my head on her shoulder. I think about my dad and how he's in bad condition because all he did my whole entire childhood was drink constantly. It caught up to him and he had a bad stroke and I don't want that to happen to Diego. I couldn't take it if something like that happened to him.

Heather rubs a soothing hand over my head while I drift off to sleep.


After I wake up from my sleep, I make Heather and I some food. Now that my fridge is stocked I can do that.

Setting the bowl of mac and cheese in front of her, I sit beside of her on the island. I want her to give me her honest opinion on this date thing with Brian.

"So Brian asked me on a date, next Friday and I don't know how I feel about it." I take a spoonful of Mac and cheese in my mouth.

"I think it's a great idea, it'll get your mind off of Diego and you' never know where it will lead." She gives me a cheeky smile.

I don't smile though "Are you sure?"

Heather puts her spoon down "Yes. You've been cooped up in this house for a week now, you need to go out with someone. Hon, I promise you there's no one better than a cop."

Diego is better than a stupid cop.

"I'm gonna go but im not gonna forget what he did to my relationship."

"Brian didn't do anything, he was just trying to help. The one you should be mad at is Diego for lying to you."

I was about to protest but she holds up her spoon

"Shh and eat your food."

I do so and I try to figure out how this "date" is gonna go.

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