Chapter 3

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Naomi's POV

I got dropped off at this motel hours ago and I still haven't figured out what I'm going to do. I can't sleep, I don't have anyone to talk to and I've stuffed myself to no return.

What am I doing?

Frankly I have no fucking clue.

I hate myself for leaving so easily, for letting Lizzy out of all people get under my skin. I should've known what she was doing, I could've just ignored it, ignored her.

I hate Diego for being so closed off. I don't know how it feels to be a child of abuse or having to sale drugs to take care of my family but he could've been honest from the start or at least tried to tell me on his own. I wouldn't have had to pry it out of him.

Most of all I hate Brian, I fucking loath him. If he wouldn't have dug into Diego's past I wouldn't be here, I would be with the man I love right now. He's a jealous son of a bitch and I hope I never see him again.

I turn off the light that's by the side table and curl up in the sheets. I stare into the dark, craving for Diego to be here so I could lay on his hard chest, run my hands through his beautiful curly hair and just feel the comfort of him laying with me.

I swipe a tear away from my cheek, God I miss him so much.

I close my eyes as I slip into sleep thinking about the "What Ifs"


I wake up the next day around eight in the morning. I brush my teeth, take a shower while washing my hair then twist it so it'll be extra curly.

I grab my laptop from the side table, open it up and try to find a job. Since I'll be staying in Boca Raton, the most high-priced place to live in Florida, I'll have to find a good paying job that you can get without a degree.

I could always drop out and become a stripper

I laugh at myself, that'll never happen.

I stop looking for a job about five minutes in then go to applying for Florida State University and Florida Atlantic University. If I attend FAU I'll be down south and I'll never get to see Heather as often, that sort of hurts me because she has helped me through a lot, more then Amber ever did.

It's about one when I'm done with applications and when my phone rings.

"Hello" I want it to be Diego but it's my mom.

"Your house is ready, so he'll be there shortly to help you move."

Hold on wait, a house? I'm not ready for a house.

"Mom you said an apartment, not a house" I uncross my legs and get off the bed.

She laughs "All the apartments weren't that good and don't worry darling the house is small, very small, like an apartment."

I take the phone away from my ear and sigh "Who's helping me move?"

"It's a surprise" she says then hangs up

I really hate surprises.

I pack the laptop up and rearrange my suitcase to pass time. This whole thing is gonna be shit, I can already tell but I have to stick it out.

I was serious about not liking going from California to Florida, I hate it. I just want to stay in one state and be settled. Only my decision is based on a person who really doesn't love me like I love him, that's the shitty part. I fight back the tears that's forming in my eyes.

There's a knock on the door, I go over to it and rest my hand on the doorknob. I'm hoping its Marcus because I really need a hug from him, he's the second person who could make be feel better right now.

I turn the knob slowly, opening the door and everything freezes when I see that wide smile, that uniform, I want to shut the door but he enters too quickly.

"Nomi, I've missed you."

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