Chapter 43

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Everyone showed up to the hospital and I can barely look Noemi's mama in the eyes as were all waiting in the waiting area.

Just by glancing at her i can tell she think this is all my fault and she's right. I wasn't there to protect Noemi, like usual, and she got the shitty end of the stick.

Marcus comes over to where I'm sitting and sits beside me. "What happened? Was it Brian?"

I nod my head, he sighs.

Heather filled me in on the details when she calmed down. She says he was just staring at her on the floor, with the knife in his hand then he walked away.

"I told you guys to stay away from him." Marcus scrubs his hands down his face.

"And we did. He's the one who came to her." I look over at Will who's cradling Heather in his arms. "Just know that I'm gonna kill him."

He doesn't say anything as he moves back to where he was sitting before.


Four hours of waiting goes by before the doctor comes out, I stand up quickly as he approaches us.

"Mr.Sanchez?" The doctor looks at me.

"Yes." He has my full attention.

"I'm Dr.Holloway, I'm the one who preformed the c-section on your baby's mother." He begins to take his gloves off. "You have a healthy baby girl, she's premature and has some breathing problems, which will be monitored over night but other than that she's healthy."

"How's Noemi?" At this point I'm not worried about the baby.

His face falls flat. "I'm sorry, she didn't make it." I hear everyone around me start to cry. "The way she was stabbed, the knife hit an artery called the descending aorta. She lost too much blood."

Everything's muffled, I can't hear anything except "She didn't make it". I can feel my heart stop. This can't be real, I was just with her, standing in front of the mirror in our apartment. Slipping a ring a her finger, happy I was gonna make her my wife. Happy that we were gonna be a family.

"Mr.Sanchez, are you okay?" Dr.Holloway puts his hand on my shoulder, I blink and look up at him.

"Go try harder." It doesn't sound like me when I say it.

"With what?" He ask.

"Bringing her back." My face is wet again.

He gives me this sympathetic look and pats my shoulder. "Let me know when you want to see your daughter." Then he walks away.

My knees start to buckle, I turn around to go sit down and I'm hit with a punch to the face. I stumble back.

"You fucking bastard!" Sharonda shouts at me.

"Mom." Marcus grabs his mom.

"You're a piece of shit, you took my only daughter away from me!" She yells with tears coming down her face. "She was only nineteen, she didn't even finish her first semester at college before she went off chasing you and got knocked up." There's so much rage coming off of her, I can see it. "I bet you didn't even know what she was going to college for, huh?"

I wipe the tears from my eyes. "I love her, I loved her with all my heart." It hurts to talk about her in the past tense.

"And look where that got her." She spits at my feet before walking away with Henry and Marcus behind her.

I got sit down and cry into my hands. I still can't wrap my head around this. She can't be gone.

"You wanna go see your daughter?" I look up and Danny's in front of me.

"I wanna see Noemi."

"I don't think that's the best idea right now, Diego."

"I don't care what you think, I wanna see her, now." I wipe my nose with the back of my hand.


Minutes later I'm not this cold bright room. There's medical equipment everywhere and tables.

The nurse guides me over to this table, pulls the sheet down only to the neck and Noemi's there, with her eyes closed, looking as beautiful as the day I met her.

"I'll give you a minute." The nurse say as she leaves the room.

I grab her hand, it's cold and I place it on my face. Her hand is so smooth. The ring on her finger is shinning bright.

"Noemi, please come back to me. Please." I bring her hand down to my lips and kiss it. "You were supposed to be a my wife, we were supposed to be a family." I set her hand gently down and touch her face, it's smooth. "I'll do anything for you to come back, just please.." I bury my face in her neck and break down.

It seems like I'm there for all of two seconds when Danny pops in.

"You ready?"

"Do you see what he did to her?" I look up at him.

He nods his head.

"I'm gonna kill him Danny." I look back down at my sleeping beauty, she looks so peaceful.

"What's that gonna solve?" He steps closer to me.

"Nothing, it'll make me feel better though." I give Noemi one last kiss on the lips before covering her back up with the sheet. "I love you so much." I whisper to her.

"You wanna see your daughter now? She's beautiful." He half smiles.

"Nah, I'm gonna go home now." I start to walk past him.


I stop him. "I said I'm gonna go home now, so please respect that."

The way I'm feeling at this point I don't care about it. Maybe I will tomorrow but right now I just wanna go to sleep and dream of better days.

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