Chapter 5

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Diego's POV

I wake up with a splitting migraine, it feels like someone's carving my head with a damn knife.

I sit up, not knowing where I am. I look around the room twice before I realize it's mine. How the fuck did I get here?

I stretch as I get out of bed, running a hand through my hair. As I leave the room I spot Amaya in the kitchen, doing the dishes. That's a first.

Without speaking to her I go into the bathroom, rummage through the cabinets until I find pills for this fucking headache. Right by the Advil are antidepressants I was prescribed a while back. I have one at Wills apartment and here, I don't take them anymore.

I down the Advil with faucet water then go back out to the kitchen where she's still washing dishes.

"Where's mamá" I lean up against the countertop.

She cuts the water off  "She took Maria to the park."

I can sense there's something going on, I just don't know what.

"Whats wrong with you" I turn around to search for something to eat.

"What's wrong with me? Are you kidding?" Her voice raises.

I turn around to glance at her.

"You came home drunk last night Diego, you stumbled in here and fell right in front Maria, making her cry." She throws the dishtowel on the counter.

Everything starts to rush back to me. Wilsons apartment, the scotch, going to the bar, getting the worst sloppy toppy from Lizzy, driving home drunk.

"Did you even take a look at your truck, you ran into the house, fucked your whole front up."I can see a vein starting to form in her forehead.

Honestly I don't give a shit, I happen to not give a shit about anything since the day I left Noemi.

Amaya comes towards me, grabs my face with one hand then squeezes my face until I can feel my teeth pinching the inside of my cheeks.

"You could've killed someone driving drunk, if you had gotten caught you'd be going to jail for way longer than eighteen damn months." Tears start to glisten in her brown eyes "Are you fucking stupid or something?"

Going back to prison doesn't scare me, driving drunk doesn't scare me. What scares me is knowing the woman that I love is back in California loving on some other man that isn't me. It angers and scares me.

I pull away from her, not answering her question.

"Something is going on with you Diego. Is it because of Naomi? I heard she left." Amaya stares into my eyes.

My heart hurts every time someone says her name and she's only been gone a damn day.

"Amaya you're not my fucking mother, you're my little sister, we're not talking about this." I walk away from her, into the living room.

Even if she wasn't my little sister I wouldn't talk to her about how I feel. I wouldn't with my mother either. Nobody will ever understand how deeply in love I was and still am with Noemi and how I pushed her away at the same time.

"Well we need to talk about your drinking."

"Fuck off Amaya." I can feel my blood pressure rise.

"You can't come home drunk like that anymore, mom won't put up with it. You'll have to leave if you do." She wipes under her eyes.

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