Chapter 23

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Naomi's POV

Diego's not the nicest person when he's angry, he's actually pretty scary. I've seen him when's he's bouncing off the wall, at his moms dinner and that's really not something I want to witness again. He needs to go see a shrink or something before this anger gets him in trouble.

I have my head between my legs thinking about Diego and trying to keep from hyperventilating when he strides through the front door.

I hop up quickly, go over to him and start to examine him from head to toe. I can't find anything wrong with him except his knuckles are bleeding and there's blood o his jeans.

I run my hand over my hair and he puts his big hands on both of my shoulders. "Noemi, we have to leave right now."

My mind drifts off to what he might have done to Brian. "Why, what'd you do?" I try to look him in his eyes but he walks away from me.

He starts to go to the bedroom "Nows not the time to question me, just do what I say."

I laugh a little "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were my father."

He stops to face me "Don't do that."

"Don't do what?"

His eyebrows are knit together "Don't mock me, this is serious."

I sigh, irritated with him for not telling me what's going on, I hate when he's short with me. I know for sure it has something to do with Brian but I don't know what he did exactly. Probably something bad if he wants to get out of Boca Raton quickly.

"Diego you know I'll go anywhere you want me to but tell me what's going on."

He close his eyes before reopening them again "I called your brother, he told me Brian got fired and there's no way he could work here in Boca Raton-"

I cut him off "Wait, you called my brother? Why?" I feel the panic start to rise up in me.

"To tell him what Brian did to you." He stares at me like I'm supposed to know that.

"I could have told him on my own." I don't like people hearing things about me from other people.

He laughs "No you wouldn't have because you never tell anyone anything. You wait until they fucking find out." The tone of his voice is serious now "Let's be honest, if Wilson didn't tell me where you were and I didn't come here, you would've been right in this fucking house alone, crying yourself to sleep every night."

I know what he said is the truth but I didn't except him to say it. Yes, I don't tell anyone anything, that's only because I don't want to worry anyone or hurt them. Like I still haven't told Diego that i know who beat up his sister and I'm only withholding that information for his and Amaya's safety. That's gonna bite me in the ass when it comes out.

I walk past him into my bedroom, grab the suitcase and start to throw shit in there. I'm pissed at what he said and at the fact that I'm not keeping my promise to my mom. I told her I'd stay here, find a job and go back to college next semester but things never go as planned.

"Noemi, that didn't come out right." I hear Diego say.

After I've finished packing, I wheel past Diego and out the front door. His truck is out there so I put the case in the back and wait by the passenger side.

It's funny how much you love someone that you'll up and leave for them.

I see him walk out the door and lock it. He unlocks the truck door and I get in. When he gets into the truck he glances at me.


"You said you wanted to leave so let's go." I buckles my seatbelt and stare out the window.

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