Chapter 35

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Naomi's POV

My hands are shaking as I press the button to call my mom. I've been going over this scenario in my head for almost two days now. I don't want to tell her, but I have to.

The phone rings, she picks up instantly.

"Hey sweetheart, I was wondering when you'd call. The landlord said you left the house without telling anyone." She sounds happy to speak to me.

I totally forgot about letting the landlord know I was leaving Boca Raton and the house. Diego was in such a rush to get out of there I had no time.

"Sorry mom, I've just been really busy." I sit down on the bed.

"What's wrong Naomi? And don't tell me nothing because I know when there's something wrong with my own child." She has that motherly tone. I start to panic a bit.

"Mom..." I pause for a second, trying to gather my thoughts. I know she's gonna be disappointed in me, I can feel it. She didn't send to away to college just to get pregnant. "I'm pregnant." After I say it I hold my breath, waiting for her to say something, anything. Five minutes go by before she even says a word.

"Get rid of it." Her voice comes through the phone.

Short and sweet.

"Mom-" I begin but she cuts me off.

"No Naomi listen to me, you're only eighteen years young, you don't have a job, you're living off of me and you didn't even finish a year at college before you dropped out. You can't bring a child into this world like that." She pauses and I feel a tear fall down my face. "Diego's the father, I assume?" She ask.

"Yeah." My voice comes out as a whisper.

"Now I know Diego's a good kid but we both know what he does for a living and that's another reason why you shouldn't have this baby. He doesn't have his shit together, neither do you." I hear her sigh.

I know what she's telling is true but it's coming off so harsh. I didn't think I'd get pregnant at this age but I did and I have to deal with it. It's my fault.

"Diego cheated on me." I blurt out.


"We got into a fight about it and I told him I was gonna abort it." I start to feel sick as the words leave my mouth. What I said to him was hurtful but I wanted to hurt him as much as he hurt me. It was definitely stupid. I'm not a person who does that, I never was.

"Naomi, you don't need this stress at such a young age. Get rid of it, go back to college,  make something of yourself and leave that little boy alone." Her voice is stern.

I'm starting to cry so much now. "I love him."

"Love isn't enough sometimes, plus having his baby won't make him stop cheating. I know firsthand." My dad used to cheat and drink, that's what he was good at. But Diego isn't him.

"I'm gonna go, I'll talk to you later." I hang up that phone before she has a chance to say anything else.

I feel stuck, am I gonna try for the thousandth time to make things work or leave it alone? It seems like I've been here so many times, going through this same question in my mind so many times. It's literally life draining.

I know in my heart Diego is a great man, he's caring and sweet when he wants to be. I like that Diego. I don't like the Diego who is rude and inconsiderate. There's like two sides to one, but I only want one.


I bite my lip, thinking hard. When I went to sleep last night, I dreamed of a place without Diego and I hated it. I woke up crying because I know we're meant to be together, I may seem ridiculous even after everything that happened between us but I wholeheartedly believe we are.

"I don't want to make it seem like I'm doing this for you, because I'm not. I'm doing it for me, for us." I look at Diego with his messy hair and plain v-neck with pants. "If we're going through with this, I want you to do some stuff for yourself. One being getting right with Danny and two go talk to someone about what you've got going on inside of your head."

"That's it?" He's sitting on the couch looking up at me.

"They're suggestions Diego, if you don't want to do them fine but I think they'll help you and our relationship." Ever since I met him, he's always had this shield up, like he couldn't talk to me about anything. However when he finally told me stuff about his father and brother they seemed forced, maybe because I pushed him to tell me. If he talks to someone professionally perhaps some of that anger he has will go away.

"Okay." He's been quiet since I invited him up to talk and I don't blame him. I'm still pissed at him.

"These aren't suggestions. First you're not gonna sleep here, you'll be downstairs with Will. Second, you're gonna get a real job, no more selling."


"Good, now get out." I start to walk towards the bedroom.

"Yes ma'am."

He leave and I relax.

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