Chapter 34

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Diego's POV

Will comes back down to the apartment and tells me to go talk to Noemi. I'm hesitant, I don't know what to say to her. I really fucked up and I can't take what I did back. I wish I could though.

As I'm walking up the stairs to our apartment my phone rings, I answer it expecting it to be Marcus.

"Yeah?" I stop walking.

"Hello Diego." The voice is unrecognizable.

"Who is this?"

"Brian. Remember the guy who you threw through a glass window and gave a broken nose and ribs?" I feel like I can hear a smile in his voice.

"Why the fuck are you calling me?" I have no sympathy for the guy.

"To tell you you're gonna be very sorry you ever fucked with me." He hangs up.

Estaba loco.

When I get up to the apartment, I enter and see boxes. They're not big or anything but they're there. It reminds me of when she left the first time.

As I look up I see her sitting on the couch, her hands resting on her thighs and she's looking at me.

"You were never gonna tell me?" I decide to get straight to the point, there's no reason talk in circles.

"I was, last night when I made you dinner. Before that I've tried many times but I couldn't bring myself to." Her voice is just above a whisper. "I told myself I was gonna tell you when you came home from your party, and I was. But we know how that turned out." She's hurt, I can hear it in her voice.

I step over some boxes so I'm near her. "I was wrong for what I did last night and I'm sorry."

"You're always sorry." She gets up from the couch and walks to the kitchen and starts to put unnecessary things into boxes. I think she's just trying to distract herself.

It feels weird between us now and I only blame myself for making it this way.

"Just to let you know I'm aborting this baby." She says abruptly. It comes out so fast that I don't think I heard the correct thing.


"You heard me." She's so cold and I don't like that. It makes me feel like she doesn't even care about what we had or still have.

I rub a hand down my face and sigh. "You're thinking irrationally and I understand why. I fucked things up between us and I hurt you and I hate myself because of that," I start to walk towards her "and if you want me to leave, I will and if you never want to talk to me or be with me ever again I'm fine with that. But please reconsider what you just said. Please?" Maybe I'm begging for her to keep the baby for my sake. I don't know.

I'm standing in the kitchen now and her back is towards me so I can't see her face. "Noemi?"

I see her wipe her hand across her face then she turns towards me. She has tears in her eyes. "I don't want to reconsider, I've made up my mind."

She didn't.

I step closer to her so that I'm right in her face. "Look me in the eyes and tell me we wouldn't make great parents."

"It's not about being great parents, it's about you cheating on me." Her brown eyes are staring into mine.

"So you're gonna kill our child in spite of me, because I made a mistake?" I can feel myself start to get mad, I'm trying to control it though.

She doesn't say anything.

I turn away from her, raise my hands above my head and try to compose myself. I never knew Noemi could be so malicious.

"FUCK!" I yell. "just because I made a fucking mistake you're gonna kill OUR child? You gotta be fucking kidding me!" I pace around the small apartment, pissed off.

I go over to the nearest wall and punch it with everything I have inside of me. Then I do it again and again.

"Diego STOP!" I hear Noemi yell at me. I stop immediately. I look over at her and she has tears running down her face. I wanna go over to her and hug her but instead I go over and sit on the couch.

"I'm sorry, I truly am. If I could I'd erase everything that happened last night." I close my eyes and sigh.

Several or more minutes go by before she speaks. "Give me time to think okay?"


And which that I get up and leave.


Wilson and Heather are in the apartment when I get there. I really wish they'd both go away.

"You're an asshole and you don't deserve Naomi, she's too good for you." Heather says when I walk through the door.

I ignore her and go get a beer from the fridge. I chug it down.

"D, don't start drinking heavily again." Will chimes in.

"You're not my fucking mother." I take the whole case of beer and go into the back room and shut the door.

I want things to work out with Noemi and I. However I seem to fuck things up, constantly. I don't know what's wrong with me.

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