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-Hey Noemi, I'm sorry that this is my first time here but I hope you understand I had to get myself together to come here. I'm also sorry I didn't attend your funeral, I just couldn't see you get buried, that's not how I wanted to remember you.

-Anyway I just wanted to give you an update on life. Nani is almost one and she's so beautiful. I hate to say this but she looks like me, she has your eyes and personality though and she shares our curly hair. Shes also starting to crawl and talk. Her personality starting to shine through. She's getting more like you everyday. Her and Maria are the best of friends, they practically do everything together. It's cute.

-Still your moms not speaking to me and like before I don't blame her, she has every right to. I do let her see Nani one weekend out of everything month, that's probably the only time she talks to me. She loves her though, her face lights up every time she sees Nani and I'm glad she brings her so much joy.

-The relationship with mama is nonexistent. Ya know Amaya and Maria live with Danny now so I have no reason to speak to her anymore. I know it sounds kinda harsh but she needs help and she's not getting it and I can't force her so that's that.

-Will and Heather broke up, it happened a couple days after the funeral. I think it's because of  the things she saw that day but I'm not sure. I've heard that she's back with Bobby, I knew I didn't like that bitch for some reason. Will is trying to get back with her, I told him to quit but he never listens to me. It's crazy because he's the one always giving out relationship advice.

-Brian was found guilty of first 1st degree murder and he's gonna be in prison for a long ass time. They asked me to go to his trial and testify but I couldn't bring myself to it. I hope you're not mad about that.

-Danny and Grace are having another child and um, honestly I can't bring myself to go over there and congratulate her. It's hard when you didn't make it all the way through. Danny and I are on good terms, I see him like every week. He loves Nani, everyone loves her. I know you love her too.

-I just want you to know that I love you and I miss you very much. You were the best thing that ever happened to me. I know that I'll never find a woman like you ever again and I'm not even looking. I promise to start coming here more often, I'll talk to you everyday and bring you flowers. I also promise to bring Nani next time so she can see her wonderful mommy. I want you to rest easy, okay? An one day I'll come find you up there and we'll finally get married. We'll be the family we always wanted to be.


Thank you to everyone who stuck around to read the second book of Love is Love. I really appreciate you guys and i really hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

If you wanna comment and give me feedback on what you thought of the book that'd be great. You can even tell me if you liked 1 or 2 better.

Once again thank you for reading.

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