Chapter 10

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I'm sitting across the street from Danny's house, contemplating on how i should go about this. I haven't seen him in like seven years up until a couple weeks ago and on top of that I yelled at him, made him cry like the little bitch he is and wanted to break his damn neck all in about twenty minutes.

So I honestly don't know how he's gonna feel about me coming to his lovely home and asking him for a half of a hundred grand.

Hopefully all goes well and I won't be dead by next Friday.

I work up the courage to get out of my truck, cross the street and stop at his front door. I'm not afraid of if he'll say no or not, I'm afraid of how I'm gonna talk to him. I can't be all disrespectful if I'm gonna ask him for money but I have a problem with communicating.

I knock on the door twice and it feels like a lifetime before someone opens up the door. The door creaks open a bit, I look down and see a little girl with brown hair.

"Who are you?" She looks up at me.

I'm not gonna say that I'm her uncle because I'm far from that, in my eyes. I scratch the back of me neck.

"Is Danny here?" I skip her question.

"Who?" She ask, confused.

I sigh getting irritated. I just want to talk to Danny then go on about my day.

"Daisy who's at the door?" I hear a woman's voice.

A blonde woman who I assume is Grace, comes to the door with an apron on and her hair tied back. She smiles when she sees me.

"How may I help you?"

"Is Danny here?"

She smiles at me for a beat before something clicks in her brain, then she begins to smile so hard I think her thin lips are gonna split into two.

"You must be Diego," she sighs like I'm a long lost friend "Daniel has told me so much about you."

She goes in for a hug but i back up. I'm not about to get comfortable with a woman I don't even know and probably will never even see again.

"I'll go get Daniel." Grace pulls the little girl away and shuts the door.

I stand there for a good five minutes, looking anywhere but the door, I don't wanna see this his when he sees me. He probably thinks I'm here to apologize, if so he's sadly mistaken.

I know I was an asshole to him at mamas dinner but to be completely honest he deserves it and anything else that I say or do to him.

I hear the door open and I can feel his presence. I look up at him and he's just staring at me with his hands on his hips.

"It's good to see you brother." He finally speaks.

I resist the urge to yell at him that I'm not his fucking brother but instead I just scratch the stubble that's forming on my face.

"You wanna come in, Grace is cooking up some lunch?"

"Nah man."

I never want to step foot in his house. Knowing that he got away from the shit show I call my childhood, got clean and made something of himself makes me angry.

"I do have something to ask you though."

He nods, telling me to go ahead.

"I need some money, it's urgent." I don't go into detail, he doesn't need to know my business.

"How much."

I'm thankful that he doesn't ask what for.

"Fifty thousand, to be exact. I need it by Friday." I shuffle my feet.

He laughs and that's pisses me off. "I know what it's for so you don't have to tell me."

I sigh "So if you know what it's for then you know what's gonna happen if I don't pay so-"

He interrupts me "What you're doing isn't right."

"But snorting or sticking it in my arm is?"

I see the hurt in his eyes as soon as the words escape my mouth. I can tell he doesn't like his past being brought up, the past where he would shoot shit in his arm and the only person there to help him out was me.

"Fine, I'll give it to you." He makes a face.

I have one more question to ask him before I go.

"One more thing, have you ever went and seen him?" I've been wanting to ask him this since I went to see him at Motel 6, when I seen that picture on the dresser.

"Our father?" He folds his arms

"Sperm donor, yeah." I'll never call that piece of shit my father as long as I'm alive.

He chuckles at my comment "Once, after that I never went back." That's surprising considering Danny was his favorite, he never got touched. He steps closer to me "I know what you're after and Diego you won't like the answer to your question."

"Right, because you know how it feels to be beaten on. You were always so funny Danny boy." I smile.

His jaw tightens and runs a hand through his slick black hair. "I'll get the money." He starts to go back inside.


"When I get it Diego."

I grab him by the shoulder to turn him around "That's not a fucking option, I need it by Friday."

He shrugs me off "It's not my fault you decided to fuck up your life and sell drugs."

I can feel my anger exploding inside of me and before I can think my hand is around his throat. His face goes red as I squeeze tighter and tighter, tears are forming in his eyes while he tries to remove my hand but I'm not letting go. The door opens, as a result he falls down and I'm right on top of him, my hand still around his throat.

"Daddy, daddy." I hear a little boy say and I instantly let go.

Danny starts to gasp for air, I bend down close to his ear so he can hear me "I want the money, by Friday. You owe me that much."

I get up off him, go to my truck and leave, not looking back.


A/N - Please don't be a silent reader, comment and tell me what you think. Thank you.

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