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It was a few weeks before school started back up and I was already dreading it. It was around two in the afternoon and I was hanging out in my room with Niall listening to Oh Wonder and talking about not wanting summer to be over, thinking of all the things we still had to do but weren't going to because we're too lazy.

"I seriously don't want to see Perrie's nasty a.ss rubbing up all over every guy at school," Niall practically hisses, a look of disgust very present on his face.

I chuckle at his distaste for Perrie though I personally didn't have a problem with her. She's one of Sophia's best friends from the cheer team but Niall on the other hand hates her.

It started sophomore year of high school when Niall and Josh, his boyfriend at the time, started dating. The two were infatuated with each other and Niall swore Josh was the one.

That is until he saw "the one" and Perrie making out behind the schools gym after one of the football games and Niall was obviously heartbroken. Josh was his very first boyfriend and he truly made him happy and he blames Perrie for ruining everything. He's hated her ever since.

"She's not that bad," I say with out thinking and immediately regret it when Niall shoots daggers at me with his piercing blue eyes and stands up from his chair.

"Not that bad? Not that bad?" He mocks and places his hands on his hip. I sigh and roll my eyes. Hear we go again. "That s.lut stole my f.uckjng boyfriend and probably gave him several STDs! She ruined my first ever great relationship and I cried for months! So please, tell me again that she's not that f.ucking bad again," Niall spits and moves over to look out the window. I sit up and walk towards him.

"I'm sorry Ni. I know what she did but hey, you're better than her. Don't let her ruin your last year of school," I tell him, wrapping an around his neck, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I won't," he smiles. "Besides, I heard Luke broke up with his girlfriend a while ago and you know how I've been dying to taste some Aussie d.ick," Niall smirks licking his lips. I roll my eyes at how fast he can change his moods, going from dramatic to total whore in less than two seconds.

"You're such a s.lut," I joke, letting go of him and going to my drawers to get clean boxers. I haven't showered today and the heat outside is making my body sticky with sweat.

"Hey, did someone finally buy the house from across the street?" Niall asks still looking out the window.

I shrug. "I don't know, why?"

"Because there's a moving truck and a lady carrying boxes inside."

I raise an eyebrow and walk over to him and see for myself and he's right. There's a women and some moving guys helping her carry a sofa in.

I hum. "About time someone bought that f.ucking house," I say and Niall nods in agreement.

Ever since the guy that previously lived in that house died, people were kind of scared of buying it, thinking its haunted and creepy. It's been on the market for almost two years and now it's not. The people must definitely not be from around here or don't know what happened in the house.

"I hope they have a hot son," Niall says.

"I thought you wanted Luke?"

"I am a s.lut aren't I?"

I shake my head. "That you are."


A few days after that I woke up at noon. I don't have anywhere to be, why would I wake up earlier? I have a message from Sophia that says 'good morning'. She sent it at nine so it was morning then. I decide to reply with a 'hey beautiful' knowing she'd eat it up.

And she did, and then went to send me a long text message that could be considered a story about her entire morning. Just her morning. I don't read it and I feel guilty but it was just too long. I'd read it at some point today but not right now. I need food.

I walk downstairs and here Adele softly playing in the kitchen. I smile when I see my mom baking cookies and humming to the music.

My mom was a nurse at the local clinic and I hardly saw her during the day and it was nice when I did. We usually went out to eat or went shopping and just hung out. Although she got on my nerves about anything and everything I loved her very much.

"What's going on?" I ask her as I get a bowl and a box of cereal. My mom smiles putting the tray of cookies in the oven.

"We have new neighbors and I haven't met them so I thought why not bake them something to say welcome to the neighborhood," she says cheerfully. I laugh and roll my eyes.

"Wow, way to be original mom."

She sticks out her tongue at me. "Oh hush up. I'm just trying to be nice."

"And I'm sure they'll appreciate it."

She smiles and kisses my head. "Well I'm gonna go do laundry. Watch the cookies please?"

I nod. "Yes ma'am." She pats my arm and leaves the kitchen. I eat my cereal and scroll through my phone, finding nothing too interesting.

Then the doorbell rings. I really don't wanna get it since it's probably just someone selling something but then my mom yells at me to open it. I groan but reluctantly get up from the chair and go to the door.

They ring it once more and I open the door, a string of annoyed curse words on my lips but they're stuck when I see long tan legs, and my mouth drops. Those are some nice legs. My eyes trail up and I bite my lip seeing part of a flat stomach and I swear I've died. Until I see the rest of the person and I'm completely dead.

Though, not in a good way.

Where I expected to see a beautiful girl, I see a boy. He has a better body than a girl, not that I'd openly admit that but it's the truth. I'm not one to judge. If this kid likes dressing like a girl, fine by me. It's just wow... He pulls off dressing like a girl better than an actual girl.

"Are you done?" The guy asks breaking me from my train of thought. I look at him and frown.


He smirks. "Are you done drooling over me?" He says and I choke on my spit.

"What!? I was not drooling! I'm not even gay," I say and he laughs.

"Right," he says smiling, his eyes trailing up my body much like I had done to him a while ago. "Anyways, my mom wanted to know if you and your family wanted to come over for dinner," he says running a hand through his black hair.

"Umm, yeah, sure. I'll tell my mom," I say and he nods resting his hands on his hips.

"Well okay. Dinner is at seven," he says turning on his heels and walks down the pathway and I can't help but stare at his nice butt. I bite my lip to stifle a groan. He turns around and smirks, a blush spreads on my face knowing that I've been caught.

"I'm Zayn," he says. "In case you wanted to have something to moan when you take care of that," he says pointing to my bulge. I cover it with my hands quickly and he laughs and walks across the street.

I'm not gay. I have a girlfriend. So why does his suggestion sound tempting?


A/N: Sorry if this sucks. First chapters usually always do and I'm still trying to see how I'm going to go about writing this story. Let me know what you think and thanks reading this. It means a lot!

Also, Pillow talk. Any thoughts? I absolutely loved it and can't wait for his album.




Pretty Boy [Ziam] fem!zayn✔️Where stories live. Discover now