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The silence that overcame us in the car was awkward and thick. I could hear them whisper amongst themselves and share glances but thankfully they never spoke any of their thoughts aloud for me to hear. I was still trying to make up an explanation myself but it all led back to the possibility of Zayn cheating. I didn't want to let my mind wonder and run to conclusions but how couldn't I?

He had been acting weird and distant since he got here yesterday and now I see him with some other guy when he told me he'd be with his mom! I didn't know what to think.

After we went to McDonalds, the guys decided to call it a night and they drove me home. When we got there I looked over to Zayn's house. His mothers car was gone and the house was dark. Maybe he was asleep or he was still out too.

"Bye Li," Niall said as I got out of the car. H gave me a look of pity and one that told me everything was going to be okay. I waved saying nothing  and went inside my house. My mother was still at work and even though I wasn't tired, I went to my room and got ready for bed. And as I took my phone and put it in my dresser, it buzzed:

From Zayn:
Hey, sorry we couldn't hang out. I'll come over tomorrow! Love you!

I read the text and I was tempted to call him. Demand who that guy I saw him with was and demand to know if he was cheating. But I didn't call and I wouldn't ask anything until I had him in person. Putting my phone back on the dresser, I got in bed. My thoughts running wild and thoughts of Zayn with another guy filled my head.


"Hey love," Zayn said as he entered my house and brought me in for a hug. I forced a smile and hugged him back.

"Hey," I said trying to act normal when really I wanted to scream and puke. My heart was racing and my palms grew sweaty. Hopefully he wouldn't notice.

"So what do you want to do?" He asked, his face bright and beaming with joy and I wondered if it was because of me or the guy from last night. My skin crawled at the thought of another guy touching and pleasing Zayn and I was so paranoid I even inspected his neck for any evidence.

"Um, I was just thinking we could stay in. I'm not really in the mood to go out." Zayn smiled and kissed my cheek.

"That's fine. We can't just watch something on Netflix," he said and led me to the living room. I sat down on the sofa and he sat down next to me and cuddled into my side. I refused to believe that someone like him would cheat but I couldn't forget about what I saw yesterday. Maybe they were just friends. Or maybe they were secret lovers. I shake my head. I really need to get a grip.

Grabbing the remote I turn on the tv and settle on watching The Heat. Its nearly over but I don't mind because the movie is pretty funny. Melissa McCarthy is a hilarious woman.

As I get comfortable and watch the television, beside me Zayn is texting on his phone. I try to ignore it and not let my suspicions get the better of me, but I nearly burst and speak my thoughts when I hear him giggle at a text. When he sends a text back he shuts off his phone and rests his head on my shoulder. I kiss his head and he hums. God, I really hope I'm wrong.


When the movie was over, Zayn stood up and went to the bathroom. He put me in charge of finding something else to watch and as I was doing it, his phone buzzed. I hadn't meant to, but I caught a glimpse at his screen before it went dark. Some guy, Evan, had sent a picture and then followed by another text that was: babe, I miss you 🍆🍑💦

Pretty Boy [Ziam] fem!zayn✔️Where stories live. Discover now