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[Not Edited]


The next morning when I woke up I was really tempted not to go to school. I was nervous as hell because all night after Niall left, I paced around my room thinking about my new found realization.

My feelings for Zayn were obvious even if I was too scared to actually admit them. I know because it's exactly what I felt for Sophia when we first started dating. If not stronger.

All I could think about was Zayn. His lips, what his body would feel like. Zayn, Zayn, Zayn. I had a problem but I decided I was ready for the challenges my feelings would bring.

I had to talk to Zayn. I had to know I wasn't going to just open my heart to him for no reason. I needed to know that I wasn't busting my brain with all these thoughts for nothing. I needed to know if Zayn felt what I felt. I wanted him to feel what I felt.


Upon arriving at school, my palms began to sweat. I was filled with nervousness and I was just about ready to back out of the plan I conjured up on my way here.

I went to my locker and grabbed what I needed and stayed a little longer to stall time until the bell rang. I then went to Sophia's locker, hiding a smile when I see Zayn at his. He looks as stunning as ever in black leggings and light pink sweater with pink TOMS.

I wonder if he remembered the kiss as well as I do. He must've considering that when he saw me he quickly looked away, a blush spreading on his face. "Hey babe!" Sophia all but yells when she looks at me. My attention in Zayn being adverted to her.

"Hi," I smile and kiss her cheek. Zayn staring at us from the corner of his eye and from the mirror he has on his locker door I can see he wears a small frown. Is he jealous? That thought overwhelming me more.

"How was the party?" She asks and the question catches me off guard. I glance at Zayn and see him smirk. That little punk. Two can play at this game. I hug Sophia and pout.

"Boring. It would've been better with you there," I lie but she wouldn't catch it. She awes at my response and kisses me. I try to get into it to see if there's any feelings left in there for her but as much as I try all I imagine are Zayn's lips. When she bites my lip I decide to pull away. My heart panics when I don't see Zayn at his locker. God I'm such an idiot. Thankfully I see him down the hall and go into the bathroom. Some guy following after him and my blood boils.

"Sophia I have to go." She frins and wraps her arms tightly around me.

"No! I haven't seen you since Friday!" She whines and stomps her foot on the ground like a child. I roll my eyes. Niall's words about breaking up with her sounding more temping than ever. The bell rings and I sigh in relief.

"I have to get to class." And by class I mean the bathroom before Zayn leaves. Reluctantly she lets go but not with out me giving her a goodbye kiss. Until now I realize how needy she is.

Finally I escape from her and speed walk to the bathroom just in time to save Zayn from Calum, a junior that's cornering Zayn against the paper towel dispenser. His hands are traveling up Zayn's thigh and I don't want to see where they go. "Hey!" They both turn to look at me. Relief flashing on Zayn's face and annoyance on Calum's. He scoffs.

Pretty Boy [Ziam] fem!zayn✔️Where stories live. Discover now