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Winter vacations were finally over meaning Zayn was back, but we also had to go back to school.

I woke up on a rather rainy Wednesday morning, my alarm ringing next to me and I contemplated staying in, just telling my mom I was sick. But she was a nurse, obviously going to call my bluff and I knew Zayn wouldn't allow it either. That boy has perfect attendance and if he's going to school then so am I.

I sigh. I can't wait for graduation.


I get to school with ten minutes to spare and grab my backpack, wanting more than anything to hold Zayn and kiss him. He got in late last night when I was asleep and he came into school early to talk to a teacher about something.

Walking through the doors, teenagers yelling and running around the halls I feel a headache start to rise. I ignore them though, reminding myself why I came as I walk down the hall. I see Niall and Luke looking rather couply and Harry talking to Louis who seems like he's playing hard to get. I grin mentally praising him for not giving in to the curly haired guy.

Finally I make it to my destination, butterflies in my stomach seeing Zayn by his locker wearing the gift I'd gotten him.

Not seeing him for almost two weeks almost made me forget how beautiful he actually looked

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Not seeing him for almost two weeks almost made me forget how beautiful he actually looked. I seriously was lucky.

Sneakily I creep up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. "You look so hot in that sweater." He shivers under my touch and leans back against my chest, organizing things in his locker.

"Thanks. It was a gift from my super hot boyfriend," he smirks, looking at me through the square mirror on his locker door.

"Oh yeah? Is he hotter than me?" Zayn purses his lips as if really thinking about it.

"Yeah. He's got this sexy body, nice brown eyes and very hot facial hair. He looks like David Beckham and JT's love child." I try to hide my grin. Never heard that one before.

"Does he have big dick?" I whisper in his ear watching as he bit his lip, his eyes darkening just a bit.

"I don't know, I'm still waiting for him to fuck me." I nearly moan at the seductive tone of his voice. Images of me fucking him into oblivion racing in my head.

We've been dating for a little over five months and though we haven't talked about doing the deed, I can tell Zayn has been a little impatient. If him being more touchy and teasing me isn't anything to go by, I just want our first time together to be special.

And I know the first time isn't always special but I don't want it to a traumatic event either. I was going to make sure of it.

"Don't worry, he'll have you on your hands and knees in no time, filling you up with his massive cock like you deserve." Zayn groans, closing his eyes and turning around in my arms.

Pretty Boy [Ziam] fem!zayn✔️Where stories live. Discover now