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[Not Edited]


Liam hadn't said anything since we had gotten in the car. The silence was more than awkward and I knew I wasn't the only one that could feel it. Liam fidgeted in his seat, his hand sweating in mine and every second that passed with out one single word leaving his lips, the more nervous and crappy I felt.

I didn't want what Sophia told me to be true. I didn't even want her putting that doubt in me yet here I am wearing clothes id boughten and stuffed all the way back in my closet. I didn't mind them but I just felt like I was trying to hard to fit in and give Sophia the satisfaction of messing with me. Although, at this point I wasn't sure what to believe anymore.


We finally arrived at school with about three minutes to spare. Liam got out first and I followed not too long after. Slinging my backpack over my shoulder I walked over next to him slipping my hand into his. He gave it a squeeze and gave me a short smile, leading us to the front doors.

All eyes were on us, most specifically me. The girls are basically drooling, and the guys, well they're guys and just want to fuck anything that walks. I ignore them though because they don't mean anything to me. The only person I do want to look at me like that is Liam, but he still has yet to do so.

We go to my locker so I can get my books. I wait for him to say something, anything but he remains quiet, typing away at his phone. Was I being stupid? Waiting for my boyfriend to comment on my outfit? Was I seriously that desperate?

I shake my head. No, I was just trying to prove a point. Prove to Sophia that Liam loved me for me and not for the way I dressed.

The bell rang and soon people started piling in the hall. Liam put away his phone. "Hey I gotta go, see you at lunch," he says and kisses my cheek before walking down the hall. He hadn't even offered to walk me to class nor did he wait to say 'I love you'.

At first I thought Sophia was only messing with me, but now I can't help but feel she was right.


Third period was finally over meaning that it was time for lunch as well as time for me to go to the bathroom. My bladder was about ready to explode and any minute longer learning about the periodic table and I would've been done.

I race to the bathroom and thankfully there was no one inside. Usually the guys would try to catch a glimpse of my nether regions or corner me into a stall. It was nice not having to worry about being harassed in a bathroom and just doing your business.

I was just about done when someone else entered. I held in my breath and buttoned up my jeans. I could feel their stare lingering on my back. "Zayn?" I turn around and see the all too familiar curly-haired, green-eyed bad boy standing by the sinks with his signature smirk.

"Hey Harry," I say and walk towards him to wash my hands. His hand reaches out to touch my shirt and then goes to my hair. "What are you doing?" I ask watching him through the mirror. He smirks.

"Damn, I thought you looked great in a skirt but wow, you look so fucking hot right now," he says, his voice an octave lower than usual. I sigh. Liam should be saying that, not Harry.

"Thanks," I mutter turning off the tap. He chuckles.

"Well that wasn't enthusiastic. What's wrong babe?" The pet name doesn't faze me. When we hung out he'd call me it all the time.

"Nothing," I say as I get a paper towel to dry my hands.

"Let me guess, boyfriend troubles?" I sigh.

"It's stupid," I say shaking my head.

"Well it's obviously not if it has you this worked up. Talk to me. Is it Liam? I bet it's Liam." I sigh and begin to tell him the rather long story that was yesterday and this morning.

At the end, Harry has a pensive look on his face. His eyebrows drawn together and his lips pressed in a tight line. "First of all, Sophia is a fucking bitch. No wonder I've never wanted to fuck her. And second of all, I don't know what to tell you. I've never been close to Liam at all and he only dated one other person than you," he shrugs. I cross my arms over my chest and sigh in defeat.

"It's okay. I just think I'm being stupid and insecure." Harry shakes his head.

"You're not. You just really like someone and you want to know if they like you just as much. Talk to him, that's my only advice at this point," he offers. I nod.

"I will. Thanks." He grins and pulls me into a hug. His plaid button down smelling like cigarettes and cologne. Such an odd but amazing combination.

Just then the door opens and I nearly forget that we were in a bathroom. "What the fuck!?" I immediately pull away from Harry at the sound of that all too familiar voice.

The expression on Liam's face is one of confusion, anger and above all, jealous. My heart hammers in my chest as he walks towards us. "Calm down Payne, I was just leaving-" Harry begins but is stopped by Liam who pushes him against the wall.

"Never lay your dirty fingers on him! Got it?" Liam yells into Harry's face who looked more bored than anything. He rolls his eyes, pushing Liam away.

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night," he says, casually running a hand through his long curls. He turns to me and smiles. "It was nice talking, we should do it again sometime." Behind him I can see Liam rage with anger, but I nod nonetheless. And with that Harry walks out of the bathroom, leaving Liam and I alone.

Once the door closes, Liam finally speaks. "Are you okay?" His voice is soft and gentle. Not angry and rough like I had expected. He walks towards me and cups my face with both of his hands. His brown eyes boring into mine as if trying to see through me.

So many emotions were running through my head and I couldn't take it. Sophia had planted a doubtful seed in my heart but I wasn't going to let it grow any more than it already has. I had finally found the guy of my dreams and I wasn't going to let him go because his ex girlfriend is terrorizing me.

"Do you love me?" Liam's bushy eyebrows furrow.

"Of course I love you."

"Even when I'm not dressed like a girl? Do you still love me?" Tears start to well in my eyes, though I'm not sure why.

"Is that what this is all about? You're scared I won't love you when you're not wearing a skirt or a dress?" I nod, looking down at my black converse feeling embarrassed and pathetic. He chuckles and grabs my chin, tilting my head up to look me in the eyes. "Zayn, I'll love you in anything you wear. A dress, a crop top, jeans, a button up, fuck, I love you even if you wear potato sack. I love you for you, not the way you dress. And I don't know how or why you even got the idea that I would love you less of you dressed like a 'boy' but please, never doubt my love for you again. You're the only person whom I've dated and truly cared about, and I'm not letting you go that easy." He pulls me into a hug, kissing the top of my head, filling me with even more love and content.

And although we were in the schools bathroom, the least romantic of places, it was then I knew that Liam was definitely the one I was going to spend the rest of my life with.

Pretty Boy [Ziam] fem!zayn✔️Where stories live. Discover now