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"Who was that Liam?" My mom asks as she comes down the stairs with a basket of dirty laundry in her hands. I jump at her voice, my hands still covering my crotch subtly.

"Um, the new neighbors son?" I say and it comes out more of a question than a statement.

"Was it not their son or..."

"No, it was, it's just...he was dressed in girl clothes," I say scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.

My mom chuckles. "Awe that's cute," she gushes and walks past me. "I'd love to have seen him. What did he need?"

"They invited us over for dinner. Seven, tonight."

"That's sweet. Thank god it's my day off today," she smiles and walks to the laundry room. I follow behind her.

"We're going?" I ask not completely surprised by this but still. I don't wanna go. Not because of that Zayn kid but you know...

"Of course we're going! No buts! So be ready by seven."


"Bye Liam," she says and signals me out of the room. I huff and walk away to my room. It's not that I don't want to meet them it's just Zayn. I just don't know how to feel about him. Maybe I just needed to get to know him better but even then I still don't think that's a good idea.

My mind wonders to his great body and the way that grey tank top clung to his flat chest and his floral shorts showed off his long legs... I'm not gay! I don't like boys. I have a girlfriend. A beautiful girlfriend that I love. I just haven't seen her in a while. Yeah, that's it.

Going into my room I lay on my bed and pull out my phone, sending Sophia a text still completely ignoring the long a.ss text she sent me in the morning.

Hey babe, I miss you

Immediately I get a reply back.

I miss you too, love. I just got out of the shower. I'll text you in a bit.

I groan at her text and imagine her naked wet body. I slowly rub myself through my pants.

Why don't you send me a picture?

Are you horny babe?


Haha okay. *sent attachment*

Quickly I open the picture and yeah, I'm definitely not gay.


"Honey are you ready?" My mom shouts from downstairs. I finish styling my hair then slip on my old converse. "I don't want to be late."

"Mom! We seriously live thirty seconds away! We can't be late!" I shout back and I know she's rolling her eyes at this point.

All day she's been nagging at me about this dinner tonight. I think is because she finally wants to make a friend. My mother is a friendly person it's just everyone else in this neighborhood either sucks or are old and on their death bed basically.

Pretty Boy [Ziam] fem!zayn✔️Where stories live. Discover now