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[Not Edited]


As the end of the school day approached, I was even more giddy than this morning. After confessing to Zayn that I liked him, I felt this insane to be with him at all times and to simply just touch him whenever I saw him. In the halls I'd sneak a touch of the hand, in the locker room we made out a little after all the guys left and drink lunch I took him out to eat where I didn't have a hunger for my food but for him.

Zayn was driving me crazy. In a good way, but he made it impossible for me to think about anything else. Like I said before, being with a guy was new and different but I was ready for what came along with it as long as I could openly hold his hand, kiss him and call him mine.

And the more I wanted that, the sooner I needed to talk to Sophia.


After school I still had football practice. We were nearing the championship where coaches from University's were drafting players and I desperately needed to be one of them. Playing professional football has been my dream since I was little and it's the only thing I'm actually good at so why not?

During one of the plays I smile when I see Zayn approach the field and sit next to Niall on the grass. He begins playing with as Niall talks to him. He looks at me and smiles sheepishly. I send him a wink just before the ball hits my face with a loud smack. I slip to the ground with a groan. My face feels like it's on fire. Not only from embarrassment but because it really hurt. And before I know it Sophia is at my side inspecting my face. "Omg! Babe are you okay!?" She asks all panicked as if I got shot or hit by a car. I shake her off and stand up.

"I'm fine," I say trying not to express my annoyance with her. She wraps her arms around me and I look over to see Zayn, looking back at me with a sad smile. I sigh and peel Sophia off of me but not with out her whining.

"Liam are you okay?" My. Grimshaw asks. I nod. "Very well. Good practice guys and I think that's enough for today. Get showered and changed and I'll see you guys tomorrow," he tells the team and they waste no time to head back to the locker room.

"I have to go back to the girls to finish our cheer," Sophia announces but before she can leave I hold her by her arm.

"Soph, we need to talk," I manage to say, the lump in my throat getting bigger as the seconds pass.

"What is it babe?" It's no or never.

"We need to break up." I watch as her smile drops and it's like a switch turns on in her head and it's back on. She laughs covering her mouth. What part of what I just said is funny? She hugs me and kisses my lips.

"You're so funny Liam, that's why I love you. I'll see you tomorrow!" She says and runs off to her team.

"Sophia wait!" It was too late. She was gone and I was left angry and very frustrated.


"There you are. Are you ready to go?" I ask Zayn as I get to my car. He smiles and nods. I open the door for him which makes him roll his eyes but he gets in nonetheless. I chuckle and quickly throw my things in the back seats then get into the drivers side. I turn on the engine. Twenty One Pilots plays as I pull out and away from the school. I look at Zayn. "Have I told you how pretty you look today?" He blushes and pushes back his fringe that pinned to the side nicely.

"Yeah, like twenty times," he giggles. I smile and place my hand on his knee, rubbing it softly.

"Well it's true. You're very pretty."

"Why do I still feel like this isn't real? Like you're lying to me and this is just a game?" He asks looking at his hands. I frown.

"Well it is. I know this is sudden and that just two days ago I thought I was straight and though I have no idea what I am, I know that my feelings for you are real."

"What if you realize that you don't really like me and that you're just confused? I don't think I'll be able to handle that."

"Then we'll go slow." He chuckles and shakes his head.

"You just have an answer for everything, don't you?" I grin.

"Maybe." We fall into a comfortable silence after that. My hand on his knee as he hums beautifully to the song that's playing. We get to our street and I park in his driveway. His mom's car isn't there so I assume she's still at work. Zayn looks at me and smiles.

"Thanks for the ride." He goes to open the door but I grab his arm.

"Not so fast. I've been wanting to do this all day," I say as I pull his lips to mine. He gasps slightly then relaxes in my arms. His arm goes around my neck pulling me closer to him. My hand falls to his waist, squeezing it gently as he opens his mouth without me having to ask. Our tongues dance together perfectly but I pull away when he moans. The sound going straight to my d.ick.

"Wow," he says with swollen wet lips. I nod and kiss his nose.

"Yeah." He looks at my lips and a frown appears on his face. The same look he gave me earlier today in the bathroom. "I tried to break up with her." Hope flashes in his eyes.


"Yeah. But she thought I was joking and she didn't listen to me."

"Oh." I lift his chin and peck his lips.

"That doesn't mean I won't keep trying. It'll take some time but I'll talk to her. I want to be with you Zayn, really."

"But I just feel bad! You're still dating her and...I don't know. It doesn't feel right." I kiss his neck then trail my lips up to his cheek.

"Does this feel wrong?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"You know what I mean."

"Then this can be our little secret. Until I break up with Sophia. I can come visit you at night, take you out in cute little dates away from here. From everyone. What do you say?" Zayn bites his lip and I can tell he's having an internal battle with himself. I nudge his jaw with my nose, breathing in his sweet scent. "Be my secret boyfriend?" He smiles and turns his head to touch our noses together and cups my cheek.

"Only if you promise that I won't be a secret forever?" He asks and holds out his pinky. I chuckle and link our pinkies together and kiss them.

"I promise."


A/N: sorry again for another piece of crap but thanks for voting and commenting. They're all very funny and make me happy!

Do you guys think Ziam is happening too fast? And what about Sophia? Will Liam keep his promise?

Let me know what you think.




P.S: iT's YoU, is my jam rn 😍😍

Pretty Boy [Ziam] fem!zayn✔️Where stories live. Discover now