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My head is pounding and I feel like I have a case of amnesia when I wake up. My throat is dry and my breath tastes like stale beer. I don't know where I am but what I do know is that there's someone in bed with me. I lift my head and stumble out of the bed when I see Sophia staring at me with love crazed eyes. I'm only dressed in my boxers and from what I can tell she's not wearing anything. Instantly the feeling of throwing up hits me but it's not because of my hangover. My mind then goes to Zayn and our date that I planned and how he must feel. He probably hates me.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Sophia asks worriedly and sits up, thee covers falling off her chests and I grimace at the sight of her breasts. I find my clothes and hastily begin to put them on.

"Please tell me that wee didn't have sex," I beg her, trying myself to remember but everything from the party is just a blur. She smiles and falls back in the bed, biting her lip.

"We did and it was fucking amazing," she drawls lustfully, and the hatred I have for her only intensifies.

"Sophia you're fucking crazy! I don't know how I didn't see that sooner," I say and slip on my shoes. The quicker I get dressed the quicker I can leave and explain everything to Zayn.

"Don't say that Liam. You know you love me. Zayn is just an experiment, but once you realize you're not a stupid fag you'll come back to me begging to get you dick sucked," she says and gets out of the bed and walks towards me. I shake my head.

"No, I don't. I love Zayn because unlike you he's nice and I like spending time with him and I know that I'm never going to leave him. Besides, if I ever did realize I didn't like him I would never go back to you," I spit. Her face goes into a glare and the she quickly changes it to a smirk.

"And what makes you think Zayn will forgive you?" My blood boils.

"What the fuck did you do?"

"Oh you know, he kept calling and calling last night so I took care of it. He hasn't called back since." I look at my phone and see that I had twenty calls from him and ten from my mom. I look at Sophia with fury and if she weren't a girl I would've already beat her ass.

"Never come towards me or Zayn ever again you got that?" I say and walk out the door. I hear her chase after me.

"If you go back to him I'll tell everyone you're fag! They'll hate you and you'll never get that scholarship." I stop at her words. The worry of people knowing and gossiping long on but the thought of not getting that scholarship worries me. But then I think about Zayn and how being with him suddenly became more important than that. Fuck that scholarship. I'll be a stay at home dad as long as it means I spend all eternity with that boy.

"Tell the Pope or Trump for all I care. No one is going to stop me from being with Zayn," I tell her and walk out of the house.


I drive home quickly, dialing Zayn's number as I did so. He never answered and I knew he was angry. I can't imagine how he's feeling. I park in his drive way and race up the steps, knocking furiously on his door. His mother answers and I gulp, knowing I'm in trouble from the anger in her usual warm eyes.

"You have a lot of nerve coming here Liam. Zayn doesn't wasn't to see you."

"Trisha please, I know that what I did was wrong but just know that I would never do anything on purpose to hurt your son. I don't know exactly he told what was going on between us but just know that I love him more than I thought. It's a lame excuse, I know but please, let me see him and explain everything?" She looks pensively at me but then sighs and steps aside.

"You're nice boy Liam, but this is your last chance. Use it wisely." I smile and pull her into a hug and kiss her cheek.

"Thank you," I say earning a chuckle.

"He's in his room. You know where that is." I blush but nod and go upstairs. His door is closed and I skip the part of knocking and just go inside quietly. He's asleep, or at least that's what I infer from looking at his back. I feel guilty, noticing that he's dressed in what I can only assume is his outfit for our date: skinny jeans and white laced top. It's sin for one person to look so god damn good in everything.

Walking towards his bed, I take off my shoes and join him, cuddling up to his warm body as I wrap my arms around him. My face going to his neck. He tenses and stirs making a humming noise as his hands clasps mine. He starts to sniffle.

"I hate you," he whisperers, the words stinging me in the heart. I only hold him tighter.

"I know."

"But I still love you. Even if you don't feel the same about me."

"I love you too Zayn. So much. Not Sophia, you." He turns around in my arms. His eyes are red along with his nose but even then he manages to look pretty.

"Please tell me you didn't touch her?" I close my eyes and sigh hearing him gasps softly.

"I don't know love. I don't remember anything. She wouldn't tell me but she was naked this morning so I don't know. I'm so sorry about last night. I'm sorry about our date and I'm sorry for ever going to that fucking party. I'm sorry." Zayn shushes me and brings our lips together. The kiss is loving and tells everything that we each need to say and know. He's the first to pull away.

"I forgive you," he whispers and I think about what I did to deserve him. I hug him tightly.

"I want to come out. As a couple. I want people to know we're together. I'm done hiding and making you feel like a secret. I love you and I want people to know that," I tell him. He smiles and looks into my eyes.

"I love you too much to say no."


A/N: This chapter was so hard to write and although I'm not happy with it I hope you are. The ending sucked but whatever. Ziam are coming out finally. Shit is happening in this story and its soon coming to an end.

Let me know what you thought of this chapter and its dedicated to Zayn for his fucking great album Mind of Mine, buy it on iTunes.

QOTD: What's your favorite song off the album? Mine is either dRuNk or BeFoUr




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