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I had been giddy all day at school. Butterflies forming in my stomach as I thought about what Liam had in store for tonight. I didn't have a clue and Liam was being very good about not telling me anything. I've even resulted to cornering poor Niall in the boys bathroom but he swore he knew nothing.

Whether or not he was telling the truth I wouldn't know. He bolted out of the bathroom when I released him to tell Liam about what I did. He wasn't mad, just found my stubbornness adorable which made me angry but bashful at the same time.

At that point I decided to give up. Going on a date with Liam was already enough for me and after our failed attempts to go on one, what we did was far from important. And knowing Liam, he'd do anything to make our first date special.


"Mom! Help me find something to where! Liam's going to be here in like two minutes!" I yell as I look through my closet full of new clothes but none that I deem special for tonight. Thanks to the lack of information Liam gave me, I don't know how to dress.

"Woah! What happened in here?" My mom asked as she came into my room, tiptoeing around the clothes I had thrown on the ground. I sigh.

"I'll clean it up later, just help me." My mother chuckles and pecks my cheek as she walks past me. Humming as she crosses her arms and examines my closet.

"Did he say where you were going?"

"No, and that's why I'm having such a flipping hard time right now!"

"Calm down hun, here," she says as she pulls out a short, white, lace dress that I had completely forgot I bought.

I take it from her hands

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I take it from her hands. "Are you sure?" She nods.

"Yes. It's not too formal or too casual. It's perfect, just like my beautiful baby." I smile and pull her into a large hug. "You're all grown up," she says and I can tell she's trying not to cry. I sniffle myself, thinking about all the wonderful times we've had together, not being able to imagine how my life would've been if she had stayed with my father. Surely it wouldn't be anything like it is right now.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Choosing me over the person you were supposed to be with forever." She pulls away from our hug and holds me by my shoulders.

"You're my baby, you come before anyone else. And I should thank you, for helping me open my eyes to see who your father really was. Never be afraid to be yourself, because you're perfect. My perfect baby boy." I fan my eyes to clear the tears threatening to spill,  not having spent half an hour on my eyeliner for nothing.

There was a knock on the door and no doubt it was probably Liam. My mother kisses my cheek and tells me to get dressed and then goes downstairs to open the front door. I slip on the dress, loving the way the inside is soft and the way the lace feels a little rough on my fingertips. I look in the mirror, mentally thanking my mom for helping me with deciding on what to wear. Giving myself one last look, I grab my wallet and head downstairs.

Pretty Boy [Ziam] fem!zayn✔️Where stories live. Discover now