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[Not edited]


Zayn was silent during the car ride to his house. He was staring out the window, his lips pursed in a tight line. He had something racing in his mind; it was surely a long day.

I was still angry at Sophia for what she did. Who wouldn't? She was acting like a child and I'm just happy to be done with her. And I can't wait till graduation when I don't have to see her anymore and I can spend my time with Zayn.

Lifting our clasped hands I bring his to my lips getting his attention. He smiles softly.

"What's wrong?" I ask him. He shakes his head then goes back to looking out the window.

"Nothing." And before I can say anything else, he adds "just have a lot of homework." I knew he was lying but I let him be. We're all entitled to our own privacy and secrets. If it was serious he'd tell me. Or at least I hope he would.

We arrive at his house and I park next to the curb. He unbuckles his seat belt and grabs his bag, opening the car door. I grab his hand and pull him towards me.

"What? No goodbye kiss?" He chuckles and pecks my lips. It was only a second and it made me want more.

"Happy?" I shake my head.

"No," I say and grab his waist practically pulling him onto my lap. He lets out a squeak as I place my hand in his shirt, feeling his soft, flat stomach. I trail my hand up and graze his nipple with my thumb. He shivers letting out a soft moan and pulling away, taking my hand out of his shirt.

"I have to go," he says in a serious tone, adjusting his shirt. I frown at his sudden change of mood. Had I don't something wrong? Did I go too far?

"Are you alright? You've been acting weird since we left school," I comment, stroking his cheek with my thumb. Zayn sighs and runs a hand down his face.

"I'm fine. I just have a headache and I need to get started on my book report," he says in a clipped voice. I only nod.

"Okay," I say and rests my hands on my lap, feeling like a dog that just got yelled at for knocking over a plant. He sighs once again.

"I'm sorry, it's just been a long day," he says and leans over the console to kiss my cheek.

"I know, and I'm sorry if i made you feel like you had to say yes to coming out."

"No, i wanted to. I'll admit I was nervous but I'm glad it happened." I smile and peck his forehead. "But now I really have to go. See you tomorrow," he says and gets out of the car.

"I love you!"

"Love you too," he laughs as he walks up his porch and I wait till he's inside his house to leave.

I park in my driveway and get out of my car and into my house. I kick of my shoes and set my bag next to them. I walk to the living room where my mom sits on the couch watching Dance Moms. I sit next to her and rest my head on her shoulder, my eyes trained on the tv where I see bickering moms. This show is really something.

"How was school?" My mom asks as she kisses my hair. I shrug.

"It was alright. It's school," I reply.

"You know what I meant. How did they react?"

"Fine. Better than I thought actually."

"Well that's nice. I'm so happy for you and Zayn. But I'm mostly just glad you're done with Sophia," she says. I look up at her.

"You didn't like her? Why didn't you tell me?" She shrugs.

"You were really into her and I didn't want to ruin that. Although I knew you could do much better, I didn't say anything because you looked happy and I knew it wouldn't last. And I was right," she grins. "You found Zayn." I chuckle and shake my head.

"Yeah. But with if he hadn't. I probably would've got married to her," I say because it was true. Had I never met Zayn if still be stuck in my old plans of getting married to Sophia. I would've never had realized who she truly was and id forever be living a lie.

"Like if let that happen. I'd make you find someone else or make you join one of those dating web sites." I laugh and kiss her cheek.

"You're the best."

"I know. Now go freshen up before dinner. And you should invite Zayn. Trisha is working late and I wouldn't want him to starve."

"I don't know, he was being weird today. I think he's mad at me," I say thinking back to the conversation we had not too long ago. And maybe I was reading too deep between the lines and maybe he does just have a lot of homework but I can't help but have the feeling that somethings wrong. My mom frowns.

"Well did he say what was wrong? Did you even ask?" I nod.

"Yeah, he just said he had a headache and that he had a lot of homework."

"Then it's probably true. Don't worry your pretty little head over it love. He'll surely be fine tomorrow," my mom says, patting my knee before standing from the couch. "I'm gonna go start dinner." She leaves and goes to the kitchen. I remain in my seat thinking about Zayn. I really hope my mom was right.


"Babe? Are you almost done? I'm outside," I tell Zayn over the phone. We had fifteen minutes left before school started and though I didn't want to go I didn't want to be late either. Zayn sighs and let's out a curse.

"Fuck me!" He shouts angrily and I can hear him pace in his room, most likely looking for something.

"Okay," I smirk. He groans.

"Ha ha Payne, you're so funny."

"I know, now hurry up."

"Fine!" He says and hangs up. I put my phone in my pocket and tap my fingers on the steering wheel as I wait for Zayn. I swear, that boy takes longer than a girl to get ready but in the end it's worth it because he always looks like perfection.

Today is no exception although, I wasn't expecting this outfit of choice. Used to seeing him in skirts or leggings, jeans and a jean jacket with a white shirt underneath was something else.

He looked amazing and almost unrecognizable and he didn't fail to get my heart racing

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He looked amazing and almost unrecognizable and he didn't fail to get my heart racing. He got inside my car and buckled in. I wanted to comment on his outfit but I wasn't exactly sure what to say or if I should say anything at all. I also wanted to ask him about why the sudden change in outfit style so in the end I said nothing at all about it.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask him as I lean over to peck his soft cheek. He looks at me for a second then adverts his eyes to the window and nods.

"Yeah." I frown but leave him be.

So many thoughts and questions ran in my brain but none of them managed to leave my mouth. Something was troubling Zayn, but I didn't know what. All I knew is that it was affecting our relationship and I didn't like it.


A/N: Sorry for the late update it's just that I'm a very lazy person and this story is getting a bit hard to write. I've contemplated just deleting it but then I think about you guys and the people who enjoy it and decide not to.

Thanks so much for sticking with me through this story because well it's not very good but I promise to make it better as we go on.




Pretty Boy [Ziam] fem!zayn✔️Where stories live. Discover now