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The next morning when I woke up, I really didn't want to go to school. All night I had thought of Zayn hanging out with Harry and I didn't want to see it in the flesh.

I hated Harry Styles with a passion and thinking about Zayn getting involved with him made my blood boil. Harry was a player that toyed with everyone's heart. Each week he had a new pet and when he got tired of them he'd drop them in a heart beat and went onto his next victim like they were a piece of candy.

And even though everyone knew of his ways, they still dropped at his feet like he was some Greek god. I hate him and I don't want Zayn getting hurt.


Walking into school I go straight to my locker and get the necessary materials then go meet Sophia at her locker. Only to realize that Zayn's locker is right next to hers and Harry is right there with him.

He's leaning against the locker, charming fake smile plastered on his face as his fingers play with the hem of Zayn's short white skirt.

He whispers something into Zayn's ear that has him giggling

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He whispers something into Zayn's ear that has him giggling. A blush spreading to his tan cheeks.

I clench my jaw and greet Sophia. She's oblivious to my mood and goes on to tell me about the dream she had last night, but my focus isn't on her. It's on the people right next to us but of course she doesn't notice that I'm burning holes into Harry's head.

The bell rings and Sophia kisses my cheek as she walks to her class. I stand by her locker, watching as everyone goes to their destination and as Zayn walks past me, I grab him by the arm holding him back. "Hey!" He says angrily trying to get his arm out of my grip. I tell him to be quiet as I walk us to the bathroom, locking the door behind us. "What the f.uck Liam!? Let me go! I don't wanna be late!" He yells trying to get around me. I huff, gabbing him by the shoulders and pinning him to the wall.

"I don't want you hanging out with Harry," I tell him. He glares at me, his party know lips forming a tight line.

"Who the hell are you to tell me who I can or can't hang out with. You're not my father. Last time I checked you were ignoring me for no reason," he says and my grip on him looses a little.

"I'm sorry okay. I've just been... Confused lately," I say with out trying to say too much. Zayn scoffs.

"And that's my fault?" Yes.


"Then why have you been ignoring me?"

"I can't tell you!" Zayn shakes his head and licks his lip, looking at me with cold hazel eyes.

"Go to hell Liam," he says and pushes me off him. I'm hurt by his words but it's not like I can't say I didn't except it. Zayn unlocks the door and opens it. I grab his hand before he walks out.

"Hate me all you want but I'm just trying to help you. Harry doesn't care about anyone and he's only using you. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Goodbye Liam," he says then leaves. I clench my fists at his stubbornness. If he wouldn't listen to me, I'd just have to talk to Harry.


Finding that a.sshole wasn't so hard. I knew he smoked and the only place you could really do that was behind the school next to the dumpster. And I was right.

Standing next to his twin, the trash, Harry stood leaning against brick wall. A cigarette hanging loosely from his lips and between his two fingers. It takes everything in me not to beat him up then and there. He sees me as I walk towards him. He flashes me a fake dimpled smile, stubbing out the cigarette on the wall. "Hello Payne," he says, in that slow tone of his that drives everyone mad. I don't see it.

"Stay away from Zayn!" I say, not bothering to beat around the bush and just get straight to the point. I didn't want to talk any longer with this piece of s.hit than I had too. He chuckles.

"Why? You want a piece of him too? You can have him once I'm done with that fine piece of twink a.ss," Harry smirks, licking his bottom lip. I growl and grab him by the collar of his jacket and push him against the wall. He doesn't seem fazed. Just amused.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on him!" I hiss. Harry raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Is Liam Payne jealous?" I nearly choke on my spit.

"What the f.uck are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about. I saw the way you were looking at me, filled with jealousy because I was touching Zayn. How does your girlfriend feel about dating a gay guy?"

"I'm not gay!" I say through gritted teeth, nearly ready to punch his stupid face. He laughs and pushes me off.

"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that," he says patting my back roughly before walking away.

"Stay away from Zayn!" He chuckles.

"Not until you admit you're gay," he says then disappears to another part of the school.  I'm not gay. Why does everyone think I am? I have a girlfriend. Isn't that proof enough?

Why did Zayn suddenly have to make everything so confusing for me?


A/N: Not edited. Sorry for this piece of trash.




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