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A week after that dinner I didn't see Zayn again. Not that I really wanted to. I still couldn't stop thinking about what he said. "We'll see". What will we see? Nothing, that's what. I've decided to just forget about it because he's obviously just trying to mess with me and I won't let him.

It's the first day at school and I'm actually surprised to say that I'm glad to be back. I missed seeing my friends and Sophia but most importantly I missed playing football(soccer). It was my favorite thing besides s.ex and that's saying something.

This year I was named captain and it was this year that I was going to see if I could get a scholarship. The coach says that I most likely will but I won't rely on that and will work my a.ss harder than ever. Hopefully I have no distractions.

Walking inside of the school I'm greeted by some of my team mates and other friends. I skip going to my locker since I have nothing to put in or take out of it and go see Niall at his locker who is talking to Luke. He sees me and says hi.

"Hey mate, ready to make the teams life hell?" He asks laughing.

I nod and laugh along too. "Definitely. If we want to win we have to work for it and I won't let you guys drag me down," I say somewhat kidding but mostly not.

Luke nods and pats my arm. "Don't worry we won't. I have to go, see you at practice. Bye Niall," he says and winks at Niall as he walks away. Niall smiles and has a blush on his face but he slaps my arm when he looks at me.

"Ouch! What the f.uck was that for?" I ask rubbing my arm.

"For c.ock blocking me you a.sshole!"

"No I didn't!"

Niall scoffs. "He was just about to ask for my number and then you had to show up," he says all sassily. Someone's been watching too much reality tv. "What do you want?" He asks finally with his hands on his hips.

I roll my eyes. "I just wanted to see my best friend, but instead I met with a complete b.itch,"I say.

"Whatever," he says shaking his head and opens his locker with a sigh.

"What's wrong Niall?" I ask him. He frowns. "I'm sorry I called you a b.itch, you're just being moodier than usual, why?"

"Josh wants to get back together."

"I hope you said no."

"I did but...I still miss him," Niall says sadly.

"Well don't give in to him. You deserve better," I tell him.

"I know, and you ruined it."

I roll my eyes. "You have all day to get his number. I'm gonna go see Sophia," I say and kiss his cheek.

He nods. "See you later."



"Li!" Sophia screams and runs into my arms. I smile and hug her, kissing her neck.

"Hey Soph," I say. She giggles and kisses my lips. Her lip gloss causing my lips to get sticky and I try to hide my discomfort.

Pretty Boy [Ziam] fem!zayn✔️Where stories live. Discover now