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"I miss you," I say into the phone. Zayn chuckles on the other side.

"I just left," he says in an amused tone. The noisy wind outside signaling that he was still in fact on the road.

We were in the middle of winter break. It was actually Christmas today and him and his mother decided to go back to Bradford to spend it with his family there. He spent the entire day with me yesterday but it wasn't enough. He would be staying there until after New Years and I was already going through withdrawal.

Though he only four hours away I don't know how I was going to survive not seeing him. Call me dramatic but it was the truth.

"So? Is it a crime to miss my boyfriend?"

"I guess not," he says and I can practically hear his smile. "So what are you going to do today?" He asks me, and I hum rolling over on my bed and onto my stomach. My mom was sadly at work and Niall was spending the day with Luke.

"I don't know, probably go to a gay bar, find me a hot twink," I say jokingly.

"Liam!" He says sternly obviously not finding my joke very funny. "I'm sure you don't want to start the new year single." I nearly gasp.

"No! I'm sorry babe! You know you're the only one for me." He huffs.

"That's what I thought." We fall silent after that, just listening to each other's breathing on the other line. He's humming along to the radio and I feel myself start to drift off when he speaks once more. "Have you opened your present?" He asks. My eyes landing on the shiny red, unwrapped present laying on my nightstand since last night. It wasn't big and it was flat and rather light and I was very curious to see what it was.

We had agreed to give each other presents after I persuaded Zayn. Well more like begged. He finally gave in if we agreed on no expensive over the top presents. He even gave a budget; no more than ten dollars.

It was hard finding a good present, but after much searching, I finally did. I was just hoping he liked it as much I imagined would. I pick up the gift and give it a small shake and there was no sound to give me a hint as to what it was.

"No. Have you opened yours?"

"Not yet."

"Then I won't till you do." He groans.

"Just open it Liam!" I shake my head smirking.

"Nope." He's quiet for a moment before he sighs and I know I've won.

"Fine. Just let me get it real quick." I hear him shuffling things around and his mom yelling at him to sit down in which he yells: "mother I'm just trying to be a good boyfriend!" I let out a laugh. "Okay I got it. And it's heavy. You better not have gone over budget," he warns and thankfully he can't see my grin.

"I didn't." He snorts.

"Yeah right. Now open your present!" He demands. I chuckle.

"Okay, calm down." I set down my phone next to me and put it on speaker. I pick up the present and un tape the edges. Inside there's a cd case with amazing hand drawn art. There's various colors and designs meshed together to create a beautiful picture. "Babe this is so good! I love it."

"Thanks. Have you opened it?" I do as he says and see a cd. On it is written: songs that remind me of us and our un perfectly perfect love. I smile as I hold it in my hands.

"It's perfect babe. Thank you." He lets out a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank god, I was scared it was too cheesy," he says shyly.

"No. I love it. Now open yours." He chuckles and I hear his unwrap his gift. I bite my lip nervously when I don't hear anything. Suddenly he coos.

"Awe, Liam! I love it!" He gushed and I can already picture him holding my sweater up to his chest. It was a blue sweater that he always seemed to wear when he came over, saying that it was his favorite because it was warm and made him feel safe.

"I'm glad. How do you like the sketch pad and pencils?"

"Huh? Wait. Liam! I thought I said no expensive gifts!" I laugh and roll over onto my back.

"Sorry love I just couldn't help myself. You're worth every penny to me and more." I hear his mom giggle in the background and him telling her to shush.

"Well Romeo I have to go. My phone is dying but I'll call you when I get to my sisters house. Thank you for the presents."

"You're welcome."

"I love you."

"I love you too."


I laugh. "Bye." And with that he hangs up but a smile is still plastered on my face. I set my phone on my bed and stand up. Zayn's cd in my hand as I go to my black stereo and put it in. It loads and soon the first song starts to play.

Sam Smith's smooth voice drifts through the speakers. I lay down on my bed and stare up at my bare ceiling, taking in the words that are being sung.

"You, lift my heart up, when the rest of me is down. You, you enchant me, even when you're not around. If, there are boundaries I will try to know them down."

The lyrics were more than true. Zayn made me feel things I never knew I was capable of feeling. He drove me insane in the best ways possible and like the song said "I'm latching onto him."

Zayn was the best thing in my life right now and letting him go was the last thing on my mind.


A/N: Sucked but it was a filler so YOLO! Hope you kind of liked it and thanks so much for 3k votes!!

Like what!? This story has that many? That's so hard to believe and it's thanks to you guys that stick around for my crappy chapters.

Love you!




Pretty Boy [Ziam] fem!zayn✔️Where stories live. Discover now