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"F.uck, Liam! F.uck me harder!" Zayn screamed. His face scrunched up, showing pleasure and bliss. His hands scratch down my back as his heels press against my butt, trying to get me deeper inside of him.

"God, you're so beautiful," I whisper against his lips, staring into his dark hazel eyes. I hold his hands, intertwining our fingers and resting them near his head as I pound into him. He moans loudly and leans up to kiss me.

Love and happiness pools into my body as we each near our orgasms. Zayn was all I could think about at the moment. The rest of the world nonexistent. "F.uck, I love you Liam," he gasps as he cums in between us. His mouth forming an o shape as he arches his back. The way he looks and how tightens around me is enough for me to shoot my load.

I gasp awake, sitting up on my bed. My heart is pounding in my chest and my body is warm. I lift the covers slightly and see that I've made a mess of my shorts. I sigh. That's the second time since I've kissed Zayn that I have a wet dream about him.  I wasn't sure what was going on with me, but I was most certainly more confused than I've ever been.

After we kissed I don't know what happened. The next thing I knew I woke up in my bed. I'm sure Niall was the one that drove is considering he was asleep on my floor. I hadn't talked to Zayn since, which was two days ago and I'm not sure what will happen when we go to school tomorrow.

But ever since the kiss, I've found myself thinking more about him than what I already was. This time, the thoughts were different. They were more romantic and not "just friends" kind of thoughts. I mean, I was having wet dreams about the guy!

Looking down at my soiled sheets and shorts, I sigh. I need help.


After taking my sheets to the laundry room, I take a shower and lay on my clean bed waiting for Niall to arrive. I'd called him over to do homework when really, I needed his advice. Although I was nervous to what he would say, I knew he wouldn't judge me. But I was also desperate.

Never have I questioned my sexuality before, but then some guy shows up and suddenly I don't know anymore? I love Sophia but, Zayn... He was something else. Something new and I don't know what to think.

I was currently staring out the window, to the house across the street to be exact. Zayn was outside, wearing a cute pink jumper and black shorts. He was watering his moms plants, and even though it was mid October and the plants would die soon he didn't seem to care. Neither did I. It gave me chance to look at him.

"I'm here!" Niall burst through my door. I abruptly back away from the window and sit on my bed, scratching my neck nervously.

"H-hey," I stutter and go to grab my pack back. Niall chuckles.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He asks and takes a spot on my bed and glances out the window. He whistles under his breath. "Damn, look at that booty," he laughs and I clench my jaw because I know who he's talking about. I throw a book at his head, diverting his attention from Zayn. "Hey!" He yells touching the back of his head. I laugh.

"We're here to do homework. Stop checking out my neighbor." Only I can do that. "Besides, you already have a boyfriend," I tease referring to Luke. Niall blushes and starts to take out one of his text books.

"Shut up. Let's to homework," he says starting to change the subject and I'm glad to have gotten his attention off from Zayn.

Pretty Boy [Ziam] fem!zayn✔️Where stories live. Discover now