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Growing up I never questioned what I'd do with my life. I had everything planned out: I'd graduate high school, get a football scholarship and go to University to play football professionally. I'd marry my very beautiful girlfriend Sophia and have two, beautiful children. My life was going to be perfect, no question about it. That was the way I had planned it.

That is, until I met him.

The boy that for the first time, made me question everything.


A/N: So this is just the intro and I'm not sure when I'll start to publish more but if you save this to your library you'll know.

Trust me it'll be soon but for now you have to be patient.

I'm really excited about this story and I hope you guys are too. I've always wanted to write something like this and I hope I actually get to finish it if I don't end up giving up.

Leave any comments, questions or ideas or anything. Love you guys!




Pretty Boy [Ziam] fem!zayn✔️Where stories live. Discover now