Alternative Ending

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Liam: (Four years later)

As Luke drove us back to London, I rubbed my cast covered leg, trying to sooth an itch I could not scratch. I cursed under my breath, plotting revenge on that stupid prick that thought it would be funny to stomp on my shin during a game just because I ran into him. The guy had obvious anger issues, the menacing look he gave me even before the game started said it all.

Yet I played the game like usual, trying stay away from that guy as much as I could but it was just my luck as I ran for the ball and accidentally knocked him over. After that he shoved me and "accidentally" stepped on my shin. The pain was agonizing, the second worse pain I had ever felt but it hurt more when they told me that my shin was broken and that I couldn't play anymore. Maybe not ever depending on how the broken bone healed.

Having graduated Uni last summer, I didn't have anything to do back in Oxford so Luke kindly offered to drive me to my mom's who was more than happy to have me back. I had always been back to London for holidays and birthdays and in all those times I visited, I always had some hope that I'd see him. You'd think that after all these years I would have moved on but a part me still held on to the hope that maybe we could start again.

But even after he ended school he continued to live in California. I hated to think that maybe he had moved on himself but it was a possibility I had to accept. His happiness was mine, and if he was happy with his new life, then so was I.


"Thanks Luke. Are you staying in town for a while?" I ask him and take my crutches from his hands and place them under my armpits. Luke nods and hold the car door open for me.

"Yeah, see my mom and then after tomorrow go to Ireland and see Niall. I think I might propose." I look at him with mild shock as he looks kind of nervous. I grin and pat his arm.

"Wow! Go for it man. He'll say yes, I mean you guys have been together this long, it must be for a reason."

"You're right. Thanks. Just please don't tell him or give him hints!" He threatens with a pointed finger. I seal my lips and throw away the key. Luke smiles and shakes his head. "Well I gotta go. Get better soon man, the team needs you." I smile and pull him into a hug.

"Let me know how things go with Niall. I'll see you soon," I say. He nods and get my bag from his trunk and walks me up my porch. From there I wave at him until he leaves and then open the door to the house. No ones home which was expected. She had told me that she and Robert were on vacation and they'd be back in a few days so until then it was only me.

Setting one of my crutches against the wall, I reach back to grab my suitcase but in the process, the crutch that I do have slips and I end up tumbling on my ass. I hit my already broken leg against the floor and nearly scream out in pain. I try to stand up but after three minutes I give up and just lay there. Until someone shows up.

"Woah, are you okay?" His voice sends familiar chills down my spine and I want more than anything to just stand up and see his beautiful face. I lift myself up on my arms but hiss in pain when I try to move my leg. "Hey, let me help," he says and wraps one arm around my waist and the other holds my arm. I try not to focus to much on the feeling of his body against mine but the task proves to difficult.

Memories of our bare bodies pressed together, sweaty and so sinful flash through my head. Our love shown in every thrust, kiss and moan. I can still feel his blunt nails scratching down my back and I can still feel the purple bruises he'd make on my neck when he was trying not to be too loud.

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