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(Sorry In advance. It's not edited btw)


Growing up, I always preferred "girly" things over typical boy things. I think it started when my older sister dressed me in one of her pretty yellow dresses and a pink bow in my hair did I realize how pretty I really was. I'm not trying to sound conceited, but I always knew that my smooth tan skin and super long eyelashes was too perfect for a boy. I'm not saying I want to be a girl, I just really like pretty things and feeling pretty.

And of course, growing up in a very religious household, being different was frowned upon. My dad always excused my behavior with dressing up like a girl as a thing I would grow out of. And when I tried to go outside dressed in one of my sister's skirts, he'd yell at me and tell me that I had to stop dressing like a stupid girl and start wearing my one clothes. That would usually result in me crying but listening to him nonetheless. I wanted my dad to love me. To treat me like a son.

So I listened to him and wore my own "boy" clothes. Even though I didn't really like it, the smile of approval and pat on the back my dad would give me were worth it. Until I turned twelve and I didn't really care for it anymore.

It was the start of puberty and the point where you start to realize who you are and what you like. And I realized I liked boys and short pink skirts.

They weren't things that I had to actually experiment with nor questioned. I knew who I was and what I wanted. My dad wasn't happy and neither were the kids at school. They'd bully me and call me names. And at home my dad would ignore me as if I didn't exist. At first, I was fine with it. I'd ignore it because even if they didn't like me, I was proud of who I was. But I could only take so much.

One day the guys at my school took it too far. They cornered me in the locker room and beat me till I was numb. They also stated ripping off my clothes, saying that if I wanted to dress like a s.lut they'd treat me like one. Thankfully the gym teacher came in and pulled them off. He called my mom and she showed up in tears asking me if I was alright. My body was in all kinds of pain but the pain I felt when I got home and my dad told me i deserved it didn't compare to anything I'd felt. I'd take the beatings, but not the disappointment and hatred my father had for me.

So my mother and I packed our bags and left out Bradford life for a new one here in London. She didn't want me to be afraid or ashamed of who I was and she didn't want to continue being with a man that didn't support me in any way.

The neighborhood we moved into seemed quiet but rather friendly. It reminded me of those cliches movies where in the summers everyone would gather at someone's house for a barbecue but if my mom and I learned anything our fist week was that these people weren't friendly whatsoever.

Everyone was pretentious and rich, only having their money to talk about it their about there child that was away to Uni finding the cure to cancer. Thy were all the same. Well expect for him.

Upon knocking on the Payne's doorstep, i expected a middle aged man or women to open the door, their nose stuck highly in the air but boy, was I taken by surprise when my eyes laid on the most attractive guy ever.

He was the younger version of David Beckham and Justin Timberlake mixed and although my heart and shorts were tightening as I looked at him, he definitely screamed f.uck boy and I couldn't fall for another one again. But like the saying goes, "the heart wants what the heart wants."

It's not like he made it difficult for y me either. . I had half expected him to close the door on me or make fun of me but I was wrong. His blushing and stuttering when I'd caught him staring at me made me swoon and my heart swelled.  And then at school I knew it was going to be different. I knew that he'd start to make fun of me with his friends and my life would soon be a living hell again.

But he was different. He cared about me and that's all I needed. I just hope it wasn't some sick joke.


A/N: I know it's short and I apologize. Writing this story is kind of hard but i won't give up. I just decided to give you a little info about Zayn's life and what not.

Also, do you guys enjoy girly/twink Zayn? I'm trying to decide what my Zaniam story should be.

One idea I have involves bottom Zayn, daddy Liam and regular Niall. Yes? No? Would you read it?




P.S: if I wrote regular BoyxBoy stories would you read them? Be honest.

Pretty Boy [Ziam] fem!zayn✔️Where stories live. Discover now