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"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Zaynie, happy birthday to you!" I groan into my pillow and cover my head with my blanket. It's way to early for this shit!

"Liam wake him up please, I'll go finish breakfast," my mother says and I can hear her footsteps getting further away. I sigh and start to doze off again, until I feel something quite large lay on top of me and suddenly I can't breath. I lift the covers off my face and gasp.

"Liam! Get your fat ass off of me!" I say trying to wiggle him off. He only laughs and rolls off to the side, burying his face in my neck. His stubbly chin tickling my skin.

"Happy birthday," he says, kissing my shoulder. I smile and turn my head towards him and kiss his cheek.

"Thanks babe," I say and adjust my body so that its parallel to his and cuddle myself to his chest, breathing in his Old Spice body wash and close my eyes.

"You have to wake up love," Liam chuckles and cups my cheek, bringing our lips together. I shake my head.


"C'mon babe, your mom is making us breakfast and we have to get to school." I groan.

"I don't wanna."

"C'mon princess, I promise you'll have fun today." I crack my eye open and look up at him. A soft smile playing on his lips.

"What did you call me?" His smile falls and his eyes look worried, as if scared he did something wrong.

"Princess," he answers and I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't turned on at least a little. No one had ever called me that, and maybe it was just the way Liam said it so casually and fell effortlessly off his lips that I enjoyed it, and it made me feel warm and loved.

Starring into his eyes I straddle his waist. He looks at me in surprise but doesn't hesitate to place his hands on my hips and smile up at me. My hands go to his neck as I lower my face until it's only centimeters above his. His hand caresses my cheek.

"I love you," I whisper against his lips. He smiles, his eyes crinkling at the sides.

"I love you too." Bubbling with happiness I bring our lips together. The kiss is just a simple lip to lip kiss that expresses our love but soon turns heated when he nips on my bottom lip. I shiver, my legs tightening on his hips as our kiss becomes heated. Liam's hands traveling down to my cotton shorts- covered butt.

"I hope Zayn didn't convince you to let him sleep- oh my!" And as quickly as the door opens, it closes. I roll off Liam, his face red with embarrassment and mine probably looks the same. "I'm sorry boys! Breakfast is ready," she says through the door and I can hear her retreat back down the stairs. I lay my head on my pillow and laugh

"God, why is it that we're always getting cockblocked by adults right when we're getting to the good part?" I say feeling incredibly sexually frustrated. Liam laughs and kisses my shoulder.

"Well I promise that tonight, adults won't be a problem." My heart stops for a second as I look at him.

"What?" I asked, unsure if I had heard him right.

"It's a surprise," he says cheekily and gets up from the bed. "So if you want to find out what it is, then get your pretty little butt out of bed and out of this room." And with that he leaves the room. I lay back and stare at the ceiling. Well shit. I think I'm gonna lose my virginity tonight.


A/N: What even is this? Part two of this mess will be out soon




Pretty Boy [Ziam] fem!zayn✔️Where stories live. Discover now