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Walking out of the lunch room, I sigh and wipe away at my sweater. It was my favorite but I guess I kind of deserve what happened. I mean, Liam and I did date behind her back. This is only karma biting me back in the ass.

But it's not like I ever planned for any of this to happen. I wish I could apologize to her but from the little I've been hear and what I've heard from Liam, she's the kind of girl to hold a grudge and won't listen to anyone.

She's going to make being with Liam very hard and she won't give up to make us miserable but I won't give up on trying to make Liam happy. And I hope he won't either.

Finally I make it to my locker. I open it and search in my Pink bag for an extra shirt. I pull out a plain white t'shirt with blue paint stains and decided that it would have to work. Beggars can't be choosers.

Closing my locker I start to head to the direction of the bathroom and halfway there someone blocks my path. Sophia to be exact.

She stands in front of me with her hands on her hips, a devilish scowl on her face. She towers over me due to her four inch heels and I almost compliment her on them but then I remember that she hates me.

"God, I still don't understand what Liam sees in you," she hisses as she eyes me from head to toe with disgust clear in her eyes. I cross my arms over my chest feeling a little bit hurt by her words. I've been thrown all kinds of insults but hearing them never becomes easy. I doubt it ever will. I've just gotten better at dealing with it. I try to walk past her but she moves with me. "You're so pathetic, Liam will leave you in no time."

"Like he left you," I retort with out even really thinking about it. Her eyes become saucers, not expecting that I'd say something back.

"You fucking whore! You're stupid if you really think Liam likes you. I mean, if he left me he wouldn't hesitate to throw you out like the trash you are. Liam just wants a toy to play with so why not play with the new trans freak? Do you really think of you dressed like a guy Liam would've even gave you a minute?" She catches me off guard. Liam isn't like that? Is he? Then again do I even know Liam? Yes we're dating but it all happened so quick we skipped the step of actually getting to know each other.

"Liam isn't gay, you're just a quick, slutty experiment," she says with a chuckle. I stare down at my feet and bite my lip not wanting to say something I'll regret. Her words are swarming my head mockingly. Insecurity wraps my body like a blanket and it doesn't help my worries about not being good enough for Liam.

"Hey Sophia! Stop being an evil bitch and leave him alone!" someone shouts. We turn around and see a very beautiful, dirty blonde with flawless makeup and perfect outfit. She's in my calculus class but I can't seem to remember her name.

"Stay out of this Gigi and go suck someone's dick," Sophia spits in annoyance and rolls her eyes. Gigi smirks.

"Well I would but I don't want your sloppy seconds, since you know, your mouth has been everywhere." Sophia squints her eyes and purses her lips. She looks between Gigi and me then huffs.

"Whatever, I don't have time for whores like you two," she says then dramatically walks away to where she came from.

"Hey, don't listen to her." It's Gigi. She walks over to me and smiles sweetly. "She's just pissed that Liam dumped her ass but it's not your fault. I see the way Liam looks at you and he's never looked at her that way. He really likes you." I smile and push back my fringe from my eyes.

"Thanks, but she's not the first crazy girlfriend I've encountered." Gigi laughs.

"Yeah me either. Girls are fucking crazy." I nod in agreement. The bell rings signaling that lunch is over. The halls become crowded and it's time to get to my next class. Liam probably wants to take me to class but after what just happened with Sophia, I don't think I really want to see him. I don't want to have to explain to him what she said because it will only make things worse.

"What class do you have next?" Gigi asks.


"I'm going that way, let's walk together?" I nod then look at the shirt in my hands.

"Sure but first I have to change."

"I can reapply my make up!" She cheers and pulls me towards the bathrooms. We go inside the girls one and before the other girls can say anything Gigi yells at them that I'm gay and taken. They don't say anything and she gives me a goofy smile. I grin and go inside a stall.

Well at least I've made a new friend.


After school is when I see Liam again. He's waiting by his car talking to Niall. Liam sees me and pushes Niall away, blushing at something he said.

"You love me!" Niall shouts.

"Fuck off!" Liam shouts back and gives him the finger. I raise an eyebrow.

"What was that about?" Liam shakes his head.

"Just Niall being Niall. Ignore him," he says and pulls me in for a hug. I wrap my arms around his waist and hide my face in his neck.

"Where were you after lunch? Why didn't you wait by your locker for me?"

"I went to change my shirt and then I went to class with Gigi," I tell him, skipping the part with Sophia.

"Gigi? You're friends with her?" He questions and opens the car door for me. I nod.

"Yeah, she's nice and let me try her new lipstick." He then looks at my lips.

"Well tell her thank you because it looks fucking hot on you." He kisses me to prove his point and then Sophia's words come back to mind. "Do you really think that if you dressed like a guy Liam would've even gave you a minute?" But if that were true then why would Liam go through the process of coming out if I were just a toy? Was all this some kind of joke? A bet? Sophia was making me question everything and although she is Liam's ex I can't help but think there is some truth to her words.

"Love? Are you okay?" I look at Liam whose now seated in the drivers seat next to me. His eyes are filled with sincere concern and I find it hard to believe that a guy like him would be capable of what Sophia warned me about.

"I'm fine," I lie. He holds my hand and kisses my knuckles.

"I love you, and I'm happy that we did this today." I smile at him.

"Me too." He grins at me then starts to drive, never letting go of my hand. If what Sophia told me was true I'd be crushed but I don't think I'd ever regret falling for Liam.


A/N: Surprise early update because why not? The last chapter was shit so I thought you guys earned another one.

I hope you enjoyed it. It was more of a filler than anything but whatever.

QOTC: How do you feel about Zigi, in the book and out of the book?

I don't hate her but seeing her with Zayn makes me jealous because they're cute together.




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