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[Not Edited]


Spending time with Zayn seemed to be my favorite past time. Any chance I got, I'd Find a way to see or be with him. And loving so close to each other made it all the lore easier.

Both our moms worked late. Mine as a nurse so her work hours were a complete mess and Trisha was the assistant to a very important business man and shed often have to go away for trips with him. Sometimes we'd stay at my house or other times at his. But at school it was a different story.

I couldn't kiss or hug him when I wanted and I constantly had to fight the urge to punch the guys that touched him in any way. We'd often have to sneak in between classes or wait until lunch where I'd take us away from school and kiss him how much I pleased. And although sneaking around was fun and gave us a rush of excitement, I knew Zayn was getting tired of it. He didn't say anything but I knew it hurt him to see me with Sophia but I couldn't get rid of her. And when I did try to have a serious conversation she'd make an excuse and leave. She was crazy and I don't know how I hadn't realized it sooner.

I was currently at Zayn's house, or his room to be more precise. I remember the first time coming in here and not exactly expecting what is saw when I saw his room. I expected it the color pink everywhere as well as all sorts of clothes strewn across the room. But no.

His room had white walls with music posters and pictures on the wall. His bed wasn't too big and there was a tv at the foot of it. It looked like a normal teenagers room and I guess I expected something a lot more girly.

"I'm back," Zayn says, a bowl of popcorn in one hand and a lot in of ice cream in the other

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"I'm back," Zayn says, a bowl of popcorn in one hand and a lot in of ice cream in the other. It was a Wednesday night and both our moms were at work so we decided it was the perfect time to hang out. He sets the stuff on his bedside table as I lift the covers for him to get under. He looks down at his clothes and frowns. "I'm gonna change, be right back," he says and picks up some clothes from the floor and goes to walk in closet. I chuckle and throw a piece of popcorn into my mouth.

"You can just change out here, I won't look," I tell him. "It's not like I haven't seen you with out clothes before." The handful of times I've seen him undress in the locker room flashing through my brain and making my grey sweats to tighten a little at the crotch. Maybe it is a good thing that he's not changing out here.

"Yeah but...its different now," I hear him say.

"How?" He reappears from his closet now dressed in a baggy t'shirt and pink spandex. A blush covers his face as he slowly walks towards the bed, bit bottom lip between his teeth and fingers playing with the hem of his shirt. He looks adorable and I can't help but coo.

"It's different because now we're... You know," he says and sits on the bed next to me. I smirk and shake my head.

"No, I don't know," I mock. Zayn glares at me and huffs, placing his face on my shoulder. He mumbles into it but I can't make out what he says. "I can't hear you love." He groans and lifts his head.

"Because we're dating and I feel insecure. Happy now," he says and crosses his arms over his chest, staring sadly at the tv. Obviously I ruined the mood and hit a sore spot inside of him. I never pegged Zayn for someone that's insecure but we're all humans with our own inner demons that only we understand.

"Zayn," I say softy and bring an arm around his waits but he doesn't budge and tries to move away from me. I hold him tighter and turn his face towards me. His eyes are red, tears threatening to spill and his bottom lips is red from him bitting it. "Hey, I'm sorry I made you feel sad, it wasn't my intention at all. You're beautiful and perfect and you have nothing to be insecure about." He shakes his head.

"You don't get it."

"What don't I get?"

"You're Liam f.ucking Payne! The most perfect guy at school that has girls falling constantly at his feet and I'm just the freak that tries too hard and has to compete with your girlfriend because you can do so much better than me. We haven't even been on a date. Are you ashamed of me?" I instantly shake my head.

"Of course not! I just wanted to wait until I was officially single so I could take you out to dinner and show you off without having to worry about people talking."

"Oh." I kiss his head.

"Yes I've never been with a guy before and I'm still getting used to it but never think that I'm shamed of you. You're the greatest thing that's happened to me since porn. I just want to be able to treat you how you deserve: my perfect boyfriend." He blushes and let's outa giggle as I kiss his neck. He wraps his arms around my shoulders and laughs into my chest.

"I can't wait."


A/N: What did you guys think? I tried to make it a cute kind of chapter but I don't think I did. Let me know what you guys think and just letting you guys know, you might hate me after next chapter.

Any predictions as to what might happen?

Closet prediction will get the next chapter dedicated to them.




Pretty Boy [Ziam] fem!zayn✔️Where stories live. Discover now