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All through class I couldn't stop thinking about what Justin said and I wondered who else thought that too. So far no ones said anything and I'm glad. I hate rumors.

After class I walk to lunch, grateful for a break from teachers and information I could care less about. Walking to the cafeteria I see Niall sitting at our table with one of our good friends Louis. I sit next to them saying hi. They smile at me and continue the conversation they were having before I showed up.

"I can't wait to see him," Niall says grinning madly. Louis nods.

"I know! I hear he's f.ucking sexy." My eyebrows furrow at their conversation as I pull out the lunch my mom had packed me from my backpack. Don't judge.

"What the hell are you guys talking about?" Niall's the first to answer.

"The new guy everyone's talking about. Supposedly he's dressed like a girl and all the guys were talking about how hot he was," Niall explains looking around the cafeteria for Zayn. Who else would they be talking about?

"You mean Zayn." Louis looks at me.

"You've seen him?"

"Yeah, he's my neighbor," I answer. Niall hits my arm.

"He's your neighbor!? Why didn't you ever tell me? You're such a terrible friend." I roll my eyes.

"Whatever," I mumble and take a bite out of my sandwich. I didn't tell Niall about Zayn because I didn't think it was necessarily important. They continue to talk and I just eat my sandwich, the laughter and talk in the crowded cafeteria loud and then it suddenly becomes quiet. You could probably hear a pin drop. Confused I look around and see everyone staring at something. Or someone I should say.

Standing at the entrance of the cafeteria is Zayn, biting his lip with a blush painting his cheeks and holding a pink lunchbox. He looks around nervously, and then our eyes connect. He smiles softly and walks over to me and suddenly I feel nervous. My heart is beating erratically and my palms start to sweat. The last time I felt this way was when I first asked Sophia out. God, what's wrong with me today?

"Hey," Zayn says shyly, standing next to me. I smile wiping my sweaty hands on my jeans.


"Do you mind if I sit?" He asks and before I can say yes, Niall beats me to it.

"Yes!" He says and pushes my backpack off the chair next to us. Zayn giggles and sits down. Louis and Niall both grinning at him. Everyone at the cafeteria staring at us and then what Justin said ringing in my head. I don't want people to think anything is going on between us because there isn't so I politely excuse myself from the table.

"I'm gonna go sit with Sophia, yeah? I'll see you guys later," I say standing up. Niall and Louis wave me off but I can feel Zayn's stare at the back of my head as I walk to Sophia's table. He looks at me with his big hazel eyes but I shake him off. He's a good person and I know I said I don't care about what people think but I do.

I sit down next to Sophia and her friends, giving her a kiss on the cheek. She giggles. Not as cute as Zayn's but whatever. She kisses my lips and goes back to talk to her friends. I drone out their boring conversation and look back to Zayn. He's talking with Louis while Niall has a hand on his lower back, smirking at him and licking his lips. I subconsciously clench my fist. Jealousy coursing through me as I watch Niall slowly inch his hand down, and Zayn looking at him with a smile.

I clench my jaw and look away. Instead I look at Sophia, admiring her beautiful face and body. And my mind starts comparing hers to Zayn's and Zayn's wins. I shake away those thoughts and decide that maybe distancing myself from him would better. I'd be less confused.


A few days pass and that's how it went: me slightly ignoring Zayn and spending more time with Sophia. My girlfriend.

I did feel bad though. When Zayn tried to talk to me is just give him a short response and walked away. It was even harder during gym when all the guys would corner him and he's look at me with pleading eyes. I just told them to back off and that was it. Except for today.

I hadn't seen Zayn all day and I forced myself not to worry. He was probably sick. Or dead, my brain would also say but I ignored it. Until i was driving home from football practice and saw him walking. He was dressed in short Jean shorts and a dark blue cardigan. His legs looked amazing, and I couldn't stop from staring.

I slowed down my car and pulled up next to him

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I slowed down my car and pulled up next to him. We were away from the school so no one would see. "Zayn, get in," I say, rolling down the window and making a full stop next to him. He stops walking and rolls his eyes when he sees me.

"No thanks," he says and continues to walk. I chuckle and slowly drive next to him.

"Seriously? We live right next to each other. Get in the car before someone else offers you a ride, it's late," I say and he stops. He crosses his arms and looks around. A pout forms on his face when he realizes I'm right.

"Fine," he huffs and get in. I smile and begin our journey home. The ride is silent, except for the mixtape Niall made me softy playing. I glance at Zayn, the pout still on his painted red lips and his arms crossed over his crop top covered chest. And at this point, I can't stop denying the fact that he's gorgeous. Prettier than any girl I'd seen. But I had a girlfriend, so these thoughts I had to keep to myself.

"Where were you today?" I ask Zayn. "Didn't see you all day." Zayn snorts.

"Didn't know you were looking for me," he retorts. I sigh looking at the road.

"Was just asking," I mumble. He shakes his head and looks at me.

"Did I do something?" He asks. I frown.

"What do you mean?"

"For f.ucks sake Liam, I thought you were different. I guess I was wrong," he says looking down at his hands. I was about to ask him to elaborate but we pulled up to his house before that happened.

Quickly, Zayn gets out of the car and practically runs to his house. "And if you really want to know, I was hanging out with Harry. He was being a better 'friend' than you," Zayn says bitterly than gets in his house. My jaw is agape and I clench the steering wheel tight. Once again, jealousy running through me.


A/N: Darn it Liam!

Okay I'm sorry this story is terrible and boring. This was sort of a filler but also necessary for the plot so I guess it was supposed to be there? I don't know. I tried rewriting this chapter but it didn't work out so now you have this piece of poop.

Also, this story already has 1k reads!!!!! Omg!!!! Thank you guys for supporting this awful story. Really means a lot.




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