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Present Day:


"We should break up."

"What?" I asked. Had I heard him right? Did he really just say those four words I'd never want to hear?

"We should end this." He did. I shook my head and stood up in front of him.

"Why?" I ask. "Why right now?" Slowly he lifts his head from his knees. His eyes red with tears and his bottom lip raw from being bitten.

"You know why," he says through clenched teeth. And I do know why but I want him to say it.

"No. Tell me why."

"Because in two months, I'm gonna be on the other side of the country!" He yells in frustration. Standing up and looking at me with anger and sadness mixed in his eyes. I shake my head and begin to pace around his room. I stop at his dresser and look at a Polaroid he took of us when I was sleeping on his shoulder.

"We can get through this Zayn," I say because I know we can. We've gotten through Sophia, distance shouldn't be a problem.

"You and I both know that's not true. We'll get tired of not being able to see each other and we won't have enough time to visit each other. We'll get tired of waiting..."

"We won't," I say, walking towards him and grab his face. I lean our foreheads together and look into his caramel eyes. "Please don't give up on us. Not now," I practically beg as I hold his body to my chest. "I promise we'll work." Zayn doesn't say anything. Only wraps his arms around my waist and sniffled into my chest. "I promise."


Summer went by like a breeze. Faster than Zayn and I wanted. After graduation, Zayn and I spent more time together than we already did. We basically lived at each other's houses. We spent time taking, watching movies, or if either of our moms told us to leave the house, we walked around town or went to the beach. We were trying to do everything we possibly could before we had to leave each other.

I had received the scholarship to attend Oxford University and I'd be leaving in a few days. But Zayn was leaving a day before me. We were both dreading it, but it was inevitable.

"So are you gonna paint me something while you're away?" I asked Zayn who was licking at his ice cream cone. We had visited the park and now we were on our way back to my house. But not before stopping to get ice cream. At least for Zayn.

"If you want me to," he said with a shrug.

"Of course I do. Preferably a naked self portrait," I smirk. Half joking and half serious. Zayn giggled and shook his head.

"Whatever you say Li."

"I'll even send you a naked pic everyday to give you options of what to draw." He smiled and looked at the ground and I knew that he was thinking about how long we were going to be apart. He would be in San Fransisco and I'd be here in England. "Stop." He looks at me with a frown.

"Stop what?" I roll my eyes.

"Thinking about it. We'll talk everyday, text and Skype. And then we'll see each other on the holidays and breaks. We're gonna make this work."

"Do you promise?" I lift his hand and kiss it.

"I promise."


The days passed and it soon came the day that Zayn had to leave. He was leaving at two in the morning and we'd agree that if be the one taking him. He was at the store with his mother doing some last minute shopping but also spending some time together.

I was in my room packing. I was leaving the tomorrow so I just wanted to these things over with. Luke and I would be leaving together since we were going to the same place. He had received a scholarship as well so we thought it was only natural to rent a place together.

"Do you need some help?" My mother asked as she walked into my room. I smiled at her and looked at my things.

"Sure." She grinned and got to work. We packed all my clothes and now we were doing everything else. And it was all great until she picked up a picture of her and I when I was around three years old. She began sniffling and I knew that she was reminiscing about my childhood. "Mom. I'm not leaving forever. And I'll only be a few hours away. I'll visit often."

"I know, it's just....you're my baby and you're all grown up." I smile and go up to hug her.

"Well that's what's supposed to happen."

"Don't be a smart ass Liam, I'm trying to have a moment," she says and hits the side of my head.

"You've been both a mother and father to me and one of my favorite people. I'm not just going to forget about you while I'm away. Okay? I love you mom."

"Awe, Liam," she says and pulls me into a hug. "You're the best son ever."

"And you're the best mom ever."


"Oh my god! Harder! Harder!" Zayn moans into my ear as he rides me. My hands grip at his hips while i suck on his neck. Enjoying the pleasure running through my body.

"Yeah, just like that baby."

"Fuck! Liam! I'm gonna-" and he came hard on both our chests. Most of it landing on his and a streak on his chin. Smirking, I lean up and lick it off and then pull him down for a kiss. His cum mixing with our spit. He pulls away, a line of spit connecting put lips. Zayn giggles and hides his face in my neck.

"You're too cute."

"Shut up and just hold me," he says and I smile, laying us down on his bed. Ignoring the drying cum on us. I cover is with a blanket and nuzzle my nose on the side of his face as I hold his hand and place it between us.

"I love you," I whisper, watching him as he stares at the ceiling, obviously thinking about will happen when we leave this bed. I'm trying not think about it but it's an obvious elephant in the room that we can't ignore.

"I know," he says, a single tear running down the side of his face. And as much as I want to comfort him and tell him everything will be okay, it won't change anything. I can tell him a thousand times that nothing will change but at the end of the night, he'll still be leaving. "Liam," he begins and turns his face to look at me, our noses touching and his eyes scanning all over my face. "Just know, that if anything happens, you were the best thing that ever happened to me."

"God I love you so much. It hurts that you're going to leave but I don't want to hold you back from doing something you love. I love you that much that I'm willing to let you leave."

"I'm so lucky to have loved you Liam.  And thank you so much for not making me regret falling for you."

We're in tears at this point and I never knew how much you can really love a person that it hurts.

"I love you so much Liam."

"I love you more."




A/N: Well this sucked but  at least you got an update.

Special announcement: louakamysmile has translated this story to Italian so if you're Italian and you want to read it, check out her profile.

And if any of you want to translate this story, just message me and I'll give you the green light.

Let me know what you thought of this chapter because your comments give me life.




PS: I've been really obsessed with Jon Bellion's new album and if you don't know who he is then you should definitely check him out

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