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That same day, after we had dinner and everyone was stuffed like the turkey my mother had prepared, we watched a movie in the living until we decided that we were too tired and everyone headed to bed. Trisha of course went to her house and she had let Zayn stay over. He was reluctant, trying to make an excuse not to stay over saying that he wasn't tired and didn't want to be creepy and watch me sleep, but in the long run, I got him in my bed.

After giving him a pair of cotton shorts that he had left and I'd never given back, we got into bed and cuddled in our usual positions: facing each other till out noses touched and one of his legs over my hip, with one of mine in between. I massaged his lower back and I smiled when he made a noise that was similar to the purr of a cat.

"How is San Fransisco? Do you like it?" I ask. He smiled.

"It's great. The people are nice and it's the heart of the lgbt community and I just feel really welcomed there," he said, his eyes bright and big. I kiss his forehead.

"I'm glad. Tell me about the school, your friends, anything."

"The school is good. It's kind of big and the teachers are nice but I'm just really happy when I get to my apartment and sleep. And my friends are great. There's Jade, Caitlyn, Austin, Megan, Jessica, and Ev- um, that's it," he said biting his bottom lip. I frown and am about to ask him what's wrong wen he continues to talk and I listen. Loving the way he talks with so much excitement and I'm happy for him, I really am, but I also can't help but feel jealous as he talks about his new life in California. I want him all to myself, but I also don't want to hold him back to live his dreams and become the artist
I know he is.


When I wake up the next morning, Zayn is still fast asleep. His mouth a bit open and small snores leaving his lips. Peck his bottom lip and get up, grabbing some boxers from my dresser and going to the bathroom to have a shower. I kept it shorter than my usual showers, just doing the necessary and then I was out. I wanted to have as much time wth Zayn as I possibly could before we had to leave again. But when I got out of the shower, Zayn was gone, a piece of paper left on my bed. It read that his mom needed him and that they were going to go shopping and that he'd see me tomorrow.

I scoffed and tossed the paper in he trash. "So much for spending the day together." Grabbing my phone I call Niall. He answers on the fourth ring.

"Liam! How are you mate?"

"Good. Peachy. So um, wanna hang out today? Don't have a ton going on. I can call Lou, we can go to the movies or the arcade."

"Umm, I loved to but Lu-"

"Luke can come too," I roll my eyes. He squeals.

"Okay! We'll pick you up at six. Be ready!" And with that he hangs up and I text Louis whom agrees. I smile. If I can't spend the day with my boyfriend, I'll spend it with the next best thing. My best friends.


"So where's Zayn?" Niall asks as soon as I get into his car. Luke in the passenger seat and Louis in the back. I sit and buckle in.

"Out with his mom. They went shopping."

"And he didn't invite you?" Louis said with a gasp as if Zayn had committed a crime. I shrug.

"We don't have to be around each other all the time, and it's just his mom. It's fine," I say trying to believe my own words myself. The guys say nothing and we drive to where ever they decided to go first. They talk while I sit with my thoughts. Mostly about Zayn. I trust Zayn. If we were going to work, I had to trust him.


"That movie sucked balls," was the first thing like said as we exited the cinema. We had just watched The Shallows, and though it wasn't my favorite, it wasn't terrible either.

"Yeah, you should know," Louis teased as he elbowed Luke's side. He blushed and slapped Louis.

"Shut up!" He said and hugged Niall. Niall laughed and kissed his cheek.

"It's okay babe. He's just jealous that he'll never know how amazing your mouth is." Luke groans and pushes Niall away, his face the color of a tomato.

"Oh my god. I hate you guys!" Luke says and runs away to his car. Niall cackles and runs after him.

"Well aren't they just something,"Louis says with a laugh as we walk towards them. I smile.

"Yeah," I say suddenly feeling bitter as I look at them, kissing and hugging, and simply looking in love. I remember when Zayn and I were like that and now, I don't even know. I was jealous of Niall and Luke because even with the distance, their relationship was still strong as the day it had begun. And maybe it was because they weren't too far from each other but still, distance was distance but unfortunately Zayn and I weren't able to overcome that.

"Have you met anyone Lou?" I ask wanting to take my mind of Zayn. He shrugs.

"There's been a few people, but nothing serious. With school I'm just trying to focus on my studies, but I do get around when I have the time, but maybe in three years I'll find 'the one'."

"Yeah, relationships are a mess and stressful," I say. He chuckles.

"Are you talking from experience?" I nod thinking about past relationships. Sophia probably my worst.

"Yes." He laughs. We finally make it to Luke's car and get inside, where he and Niall and currently sucking face.

"Can you guys not?" They pull away, face red and lips puffy. Luke clears his throat and turns on the car.

"So where to next?" He asks and looks at us for an answer.

"I'm kind of hungry," I say, the large popcorn and gummy bears we shared not enough to have filled me up.

"Me too. Let's go to McDonalds!" Niall shouts. Luke frowns.

"We already had that today babe and I doubt coach would want me to be eating a shit ton of junk food." Niall pouts.

"Does this face looks like it cares? If I want McDonalds again I'm going to get it, and what your coach doesn't know won't kill him, so be a good boy and take your boyfriend to get some nuggets. Okay? Okay." Luke opens and closes his mouth as he looks at Niall who now holds an innocent smile on his face. Louis and I snicker as Luke gulps and starts to drive, heading to the nearest McDonalds. Luke was absolutely whipped but it was actually really sweet. That and Niall was a little shit that always got his way.

As we got closer to our destination, like slowed down a bit and inched his head forwards to get a better look out the window.

"Liam? Isn't that Zayn?" He asked me and I frowned, putting my hands on his seat and looking to where he was pointing. At first, I just thought it was a guy that looked like Zayn, they could probably be twins. But the closer we got, the more I realized that it was Zayn. Dressed to perfection with the sweater I got him for Christmas to top it off, smiling and laughing. Another guy walking with him. I had no idea who that other guy was, but it seemed as though him and Zayn have known each other for ages. We passed by them and I couldn't stop staring because I couldn't believe what I had just seen.

"Is Zayn cheating on me?"


A/N: Oh shit! Is Zayn cheating? Let me know what you thought of this chapter because it wasn't necessarily what I had planned but it works.

Also, what do you guys think of Niall's new girlfriend? I just found out today and id be lying if I said I wasn't jealous but I'm just glad she's not famous like the rest of the boys gf's and she's pretty and I'm happy for Niall. Yes I'm jealous but I'm happy for him because he really does deserve someone nice and sweet. Let's just hope she doesn't disappoint us.




Pretty Boy [Ziam] fem!zayn✔️Where stories live. Discover now