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We sat in Zayn's room. Some music softly playing in the background. He had called me over, and his voice sounded distant. Nothing like his usual sassy tone. He made no witty or sexual remark, just a plain "come over."

He sat on his bed. His legs drawn to his chest and his eyes never leaving his feet. The same position he's been since I got here which was ten minutes ago.

I couldn't help but feel like something was wrong and with each minute that passed my worry and anxiety worsened. He wouldn't look at me or acknowledge my presence; something was definitely wrong.

From my position on the floor by his bed I call his name. He slowly lifts his head, his under eyes red and his eyes glossy as he looks at me. My face falls with sadness as he tries to give me a smile but fails, a single tear running down his cheek. "Babe...what's wrong?" He closes his eyes and gently wipes his eye with the back of his hand before he looks at me with the saddest look I had ever seen on his face. Kind of like those poor animals from the ASPCA commercials making my heart clench.

"I think we should break up."


(2 Months Earlier)

It was early spring and I was just about ready for summer. Sleeping in and going out on adventures with Zayn, making these last few months of school feel like an eternity.

Past summers were different. Before, the only thing I really had to look forward to was just the mere fact that I wouldn't go to school anymore for three months. I'd stay home and occasionally leave the house to see Niall or Louis but those were rare occasions.

Now everything was different. Now I wouldn't have to go back to high school but University. Now I'd have to make something of myself. I was going to finally begin my life and I'd have Zayn right next to me to do it with. Yes it terrifies me to no end, but I'm ready.


"Have you guys gotten your acceptance letters?" Luke asked everyone at the lunch table as he took his seat next to Niall. Both Louis and Niall nodded their heads and I kind of just looked at them. Shocked and hurt that they hadn't mentioned it to me before.

"Yeah, I got into the University of Dublin City." Luke broke out into a grin and hugged Niall.

"Congrats babe!" He said and kissed his cheek. Niall blushed and waved him off, turning to Louis.

"What about you Lou?"

"I got accepted to the University of London. Decided that I stay close to mom and continue to help with the girls," he said and took a bite of his burger. I pat his back.

"Congratulations to the both of you. I'm just a little hurt you didn't tell me before," I say looking between him and Niall.

"Well it's not like you've been around much yourself," Niall muttered under his breath and glanced at Zayn who was eating grapes while spacing out. Our conversation probably going right past his head. I squeeze his knee and he comes back to reality.

"Sorry what?" He asks and looks around the table. I frown.

"Are you okay?" He nods and begins to put his things away.

"Yeah, I've just got a lot of things going on in my head right now. I'm gonna go to the bathroom yeah?"

"Okay," I nod and kiss his forehead. He smiles and leaves the table, saying goodbye to the guys and walks out of the cafeteria.

"What was that about?" Luke asked. I shake my head.

"I'm not sure."


"So um... Have you gotten any acceptance letters yet?" Zayn asked as we laid on my bed. His mom wasn't home and mine didn't mind him sleeping over. Trusting that we weren't going to do anything while she was in the house. Only after she left it was okay.

"No. And I'm starting to think that it's a sign I'm not going to Uni," I say running my hand over his exposed stomach. His back is pressed against my chest, with me being the big spoon; his favorite position.

"Don't say that. I'm sure you'll get that footie scholarship." I smile and kiss the back of his neck.

"Thanks. What about you? Have you gotten a letter?" He was hesitant to answer but gave me a shaky "y-yeah." "What? Really? When?" I ask and prop myself up on my elbow. His face is expressionless as he continues to look out the window.

"A few days ago."

"And why didn't you tell me?" He shrugs. "Did you open it?"



"I got in," he said and his tone didn't depict excitement or any kind of joy for that matter and I felt like I was happier than he was. I hug him to my chest and kiss his shoulder.

"That's amazing. Where are you going?"

"I'm not sure if I'm going. I'll just say no and wait for my other letters to come in." I frown.

"Why would you do that? If you sent in an application for this school then you must want to go. Why would you tell them no?"

"Because I didn't think I'd get in!" His voice was loud and filled with frustration. I was getting worried but also more confused as to why he didn't want to go to this school. Maybe it was money or maybe it was something else.

"Where's the school, babe?"



A/N: and there it is. After much thought about what I was doing with this damn story, you have this and I'm sorry if you hated it but whatever.

You can probably already guess what's going to happen but let me know what you think will happen.




P.S: also I'm sorry that i didn't continue this from the last chapter but I mean what else was I going to write? It wouldn't of just been a paragraph of then cuddling and pillow talk which thinking about it now would've been better than this.


Pretty Boy [Ziam] fem!zayn✔️Where stories live. Discover now