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[Zayn's outfit]


After establishing my friendship with Zayn, I walk him to his first period class: chemistry.  Thankfully I took that class last year so I don't have to do it again. It was a b.itch, as well as the teacher. "Well here we are," I say to Zayn as we get to the class. He smiles and hitches his bag higher on his shoulder.

"Thanks, but you didn't have too," he replies shyly looking at his feet. I find it funny because the first time we met he was cocky and confident. Now he's a shy schoolgirl, despite how he's dressed.

"What kind of friend would I be if I let you wonder the halls like a lost puppy?" He giggles, and wow, it's adorable.

"Well thanks," he says just as the bell rings. "You should go, wouldn't want you to be late," he says with a smile. I nod.

"Okay, see you later."

"Yeah, bye," he waves as he walks inside his classroom and I run to mine that's upstairs. I make it just in time, the teacher giving me a disapproving look and sighs with a shake of his head.

"I don't like tardies Mr. Payne, be earlier next time please." I nod and go sit with Niall in the back.

"Where were you?" Niall asks, mindlessly doodling Luke's name in a heart on his notebook. I shake my head. He's so weird.

"Helped Zayn find his class," I say. Niall's eyebrows bunch together.

"Your neighbor Zayn? I thought you said he was weird," Niall says quoting exactly what I said the day after we had that dinner.

"Nah, he's alright, better than a lot of people," I say while glaring at everyone in my class. Niall gasps and wipes a fake tear from his eye.

"Am I being replaced?" He fake sobs earning some looks from the people in front of us. I smack his head.

"No you idiot, but I can have more than one friend," I say. Niall frowns.

"But I'm still your best friend right?" He asks with a pout. I smile lightly punch his shoulder.

"Of course," I say and then the techie starts to talk and I've never been so bored in my life. I hate history.


An excruciating hour later class is over and I get to go to my next one that I'm actually good at: gym. Saying bye to Niall I head to the end of the hall to our large gymnasium. I say hi to the teacher who is also the football coach and head to the locker room to change.  And upon entering I'm surprised to see Zayn standing at an open locker and getting his clothes.

The guys surrounding him are just staring hungrily at him. Eyeing him up and down in his short black skirt. I don't like it and I'm sure he doesn't either. He's not just a piece of meat to gawk at, he's a person and should be treated like one.

So taking my bag I go stand behind him subtly blocking him from everyone's view. The guys groan and go back to changing. I smirk and start to change as well. "Thanks," Zayn whispers to me, I just smile.

"What are friends for?" He giggles and starts to change as well. He slides off his skirt and I catch a brief glimpse of girls underwear before being covered by tight black spandex. He then takes off his shirt and I look away, my mind racing about his nice body and it seems like I've forgotten he's a guy and that I have a girlfriend.

Thankfully we finish changing and leave the locker room. Mr. Grimshaw briefly explains what we're going to be doing and how he will grade us then tells us to run some laps and then we can do what we want.

I was excited for gym because like onesie before it's the only class I'm good at and like. Usually I have Niall with me but not this time. No, this time I have Zayn and I don't enjoy class as much because all I did was basically babysit him from all the pervs that were checking him out when he ran or slapped his a.ss when they passed him. I don't know why but I felt a need to protect Zayn. He was new to this school and what kind of person would I be if I didn't help him?

Class was over and we went back to change. I was Zayn's personal curtain and body guard as we came out of the locker room with him dressed in his skirt again. I helped him find his next class and then went to mine.

As I sat down a guy from the team who I think was named Justin came over to me. "So Payne, you hitting that piece of a.ss or what?" He asks with a smirk. I raise an eyebrow.

"What?" He laughs and pats my shoulder.

"Zayn, who else. Is he good?" I nearly choke on my spit.

"There is nothing going on between Zayn and I. I have a girlfriend," I say, completely baffled that he'd think I was hooking up with Zayn. I'm not gay! Justin laughs and sends me a wink.

"Whatever you say man," he says and walks to his seat. I shake my head. Zayn and I are just friends. Yes I've been guilty of checking him out but do you blame me? He dresses like a girl and looks like one. Sue me for being a guy. But I'd never hook up with him, I have a beautiful girlfriend to do that with that I love very much.

But why doesn't the idea of have s.ex with Zayn seem so bad?


A/N: Here's that chapter I said I'd update if the last one got more than 10 votes and it did! You guys are seriously the best!

Also I'm sorry if this chapter sucks, I wrote it today and finished it like an hour ago so I apologize if it's all over the place but let me know what you think so far. It's edited FYI.

I'm not too sure when I'll update again but I know that the updates will be weekly.




Pretty Boy [Ziam] fem!zayn✔️Where stories live. Discover now