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[Not Edited]


As we watched the tv my mind couldn't stop wandering back to all he had said. About he felt that he needed to compete and how he thought I was ashamed to be with him. They were all untrue and I needed him to see that. I wanted to treat him how he was meant to be treated.

So I waited until the next day when we went out for lunch to ask him the thing that had been on my mind since the previous night. "Let's go on a date." He looked surprised and started choking on the drink of soda he tried to swallow. I pat his back as he tries to catch his breath, biting my lip waiting for his answer.


"Tomorrow, after the game. Let's go on a date, away from the city just you and me. What do you say?" He looks down at his lap and starts playing with his skirt. He has something on his mind. I lift his chin with my finger and look into his eyes. "What's wrong?" He sighs.

"Are you only asking me because of yesterday?" He asks sadly. I shake my head and kiss his temple.

"Yes and no. Yes because what you said yesterday was true. I haven't been treating you how you deserve, and no because going on a date with you is something I've thought about before but as something I wanted to wait to do but I don't want to wait anymore."

"Me either," Zayn says with a smile and pulls me in for a kiss. I grin as he nuzzles our noses together.

"I promise I won't let you down."


Our date couldn't come any sooner. I had made reservations at a nice Italian restaurant away from town as well a nice five start hotel. I wasn't really planning going all the way with Zayn, it was more of place to go to and spend more alone time together away from everyone else. And if we do end up going all the way, I wouldn't complain.

It was after school and I was getting dressed for the game as well as the other guys. They were all hollering and laughing, pumping themselves up for our last and most important game of the season. We were playing our arch rivals, the ones that we've lost to since the past decade but now it's our turn to win.

Lacing up my shoes, Luke pats my back and tells me he's going our bathe field to start warming up. I give him a nod of approval telling him I'll be right out. They leave and soon Zayn enters, dressed in black leggings and one of my blue jumpers that I've only worn once. I smile and open my arms, in which he giggles and runs into them, wrapping his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist. I laugh and kiss his exposed neck.

"Why are you so happy babe?" He blushes and hits my arm.

"Don't tell me you forgot?" I shake my head.

"Of course not love, it's the only thing I've been thinking about today?"

"Oh really?" I hmm, running my nose along his jaw, his sweet smelling perfume floating in my nose. "And what will we doing on this date?" He asks cupping my jaw, his eyes slowly becoming clouded with what I would call lust. I smirk.

"We'll be eating, I'll tell you how beautiful you are every ten minutes, then we'll go to a very nice hotel, maybe have a bath..." He bites his lips and subtly adjusts himself around my waist, his bum accidentally grinding on my d.ick.

"And what else will we do after the bath?" I smile and press my lips to his ear.

"Anything you want," I whisper. He giggles into my neck and tightens his legs.

"What should I wear?"

"Anything you want, just make it a little formal okay?" He nods and unwraps his legs around me so I let him down. He kisses my nose, or well my top lip because of his short height. From outside I hear the buzzer and the coach shouting out my name. I smile at Zayn.

Pretty Boy [Ziam] fem!zayn✔️Where stories live. Discover now