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Morning came and went and before I knew it, Zayn was gone. I had taken him to the airport where I almost made him miss his flight because I was being childish and wouldn't let go of him. We said our "I love you's" and in the morning when I woke up I had prayed that it was all a dream. That Zayn had never left and he'd still be sleeping next to me.

Sadly it wasn't and I was left alone in my room, holding on to the promises I had made, but as the days went by that I didn't see or hold Zayn, keeping those promises was more difficult than I had ever imagined.


The first day that we were officially apart, we Skyped until it was time for me to go bed and for him to go to his first class. The distance and different time zones seemed to be a bigger obstacle than either one of just anticipated.

When I was waking up, he was already asleep, and in the evening he was either at a class or at work. We sent each other messages whenever we could, but we were both too busy that at some point, it all stopped. Messages, calls, voicemails, everything. The last thing I had sent him was "I love you." And the last I had received was "I can't wait for Thanksgiving to see you." I smile as I swipe my thumb over that text and I wondered what Zayn was doing and if he was still as excited to see me and I wouldn't blame him if he wasn't. We have a lot to talk about. About us, our relationship and everything in between.


"Thanks for the ride man, I'll see you Sunday," I tell Luke as I get out of his car. He had given me a ride to my moms house because we saw no point in driving two cars if were going to the same place. Of course no I didn't have a car but if needed I could use my mothers.

"Yeah alright. Tell your mom I say hello. Happy holidays," he said and then drove off. I wave goodbye and finally go inside my moms house when I see Luke's car did speed down the street. He lived the other direction but he was no doubt going to see Niall first.

Opening the door he was greeted by the delicious smell of his mothers cooking and two pairs of arms wrapping around his body. And from their short stature and fruity perfume smell, Liam knew it was his sisters.

"Hey guys," Liam says and wraps an arm around each of their necks. He hadn't seen them in such a long time, due to them being away with their own families and jobs, seeing each other frequently was a problem.

"God Liam, you're built like the Hulk," Ruth said as she pulled away and assessed my body through my many layers of clothes. Nicola nodded and squeezed my arm.

"Geez, those coaches have really been working you." I laugh and take off my coat.

"Yeah, I don't really notice it anymore."

"Liam!?" My mother yelled from what I assume was the kitchen.

"Yeah!" I call back and then hear a clatter of pots fall on the ground and her heels click on the floor. Soon she appears dressed in a nice black dress. Her hair done in a neat bun and her face bright with makeup. She looked happy and I knew it wasn't just from seeing me.

"My baby!" She cried as she ran over to me and crushed me in a hug. I nearly fall back but hold my balance and wrap my arms around her.

"Hello mom." I laugh when it doesn't seem like she'll be letting go anytime soon. Behind us my sisters are picking on me and calling me a momma's boy and I don't argue. Since my dad left and my sisters went to Uni, my mom was the only person I had. That is when she wasn't at work and i wasn't at school.

"You're so thin! Are you even eating?" She asks after she lets go of me. I roll my eyes and nod.

"Yes. More than you think actually. You can even ask Luke." She hums and purses her lips.

"Right. Well dinner is ready and I even made cheesecake. Your favorite so you better leave room inside that stomach," she says and gives it a poke. I flinch and swat her finger away. "Trisha and Zayn will be over in a few so get yourself cleaned up yeah?" I nod. Excitement and nervousness bubbling inside me from the mention of Zayn's name. We haven't talked in a little over two months and I wasn't sure how I'd feel upon seeing him. Yes I missed him but were our feelings for each other still there?


After my mom and sisters went to the kitchen to set everything, there was a knock on the door. I opened it and see Trisha but no Zayn.

"Liam! How are you love?" She said and pulled me into a quick hug. I smile.

"I'm great. You look amazing though. Do you have a new man in your life?" I tease. She laughs and playfully hits my arm.

"Oh hush up. But if you must know I did meet a guy. We've only gone on two dates so it's nothing serious. He's very hot though," she gushes and fans herself. I laugh.

"Well I hope things turn out for you guys."

"Thanks hun. And Zayn will be over in a minute. He just couldn't find a shoe." I smile and step aside to let her in.

"Everyone's in the kitchen. I'll wait out here for Zayn." She pats my cheek and smiles, then disappears down the hall. I close the door and sit down on the porch swing and wait. The wind starts to pick up and I'm about ready to just wait inside but then I see him come out of his house. I breath hitches when our eyes meet, and my heart explodes when he smiles my way. His tongue caught between his teeth as he does so.

I stand up as he runs across the street and doesn't stop until he's in my arms. I hold him tight and even though it's only been two months since I've seen him, it feels much longer.

"I'm sorry," I whisper as I pull him into a kiss. Trying to express my feelings and what I'm exactly sorry for. His hands grip my sides as he lets out a soft moan and my doubts about us are again, because yes, I still love him. He pulls away and smiles, wiping my bottom lip.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too babe. I'm sorry for not keeping my promises-"

"Hey, it's fine. We were both busy, we're both too blame," he says and pushes my hair back.

"I know it's just-"

"Nothing. We can talk about this later 'cause right now I'm fucking starving." I laugh and kiss his neck and pulls him in for another hug.

"I just fucking missed you so much."


A/N: this is a filler so I'm sorry if it made your eyes bleed. But this story is coming to an end so I'm just powering through it and trying to get it done so these next few chapters will be kind of rushed and short so I apologize.

Thank you so much for putting up with my crazy story and I will chat with you next time.




Pretty Boy [Ziam] fem!zayn✔️Where stories live. Discover now